Call for Papers HAWAI'I INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEM SCIENCES (HICSS-49 ) January 5-8, 2016 at Grand Hyatt, Kauai On the Beautiful Kauai Island Innovation Uncertainties and Socio-Political Legitimization Minitrack @ Knowledge Innovation and Entrepreneurial Systems Track!innovation-uncertainties-and-legitimizat/cmwy Innovation Uncertainties and Socio-Political Legitimization minitrack focuses primarily around innovation uncertainties from a societal perspective and how social-political legitimization supports or hinders processes and organizations’ strategies for developing and diffusing new technologies knowledge diffusion and innovation commercialization. This minitrack seeks papers that investigate issues related to innovation uncertainties and explore how organizations can proactively incorporate stakeholder considerations in new development. Possible topics include, but are not limited to: * Innovation uncertainties * Stakeholder management/ambiguity * New product/service development * Intellectual property management * Societal benefits realization * Cognitive legitimization * Socio-political legitimization * Sustainability * Business ethics * Public policy formulation * Innovation process management * Project management * Technological diffusion * New innovation marketing * Technological forecasting * Strategic planning * Human resource skills management Life Cycle Assessment Minitrack Co-Chairs: Vernon Bachor (Primary Contact) Simon Fraser University Tel: +1-604-757-1746 Email: [log in to unmask] Jeremy Hall Simon Fraser University Tel: +1-778-782-5891 Email: [log in to unmask] Important Deadlines : * Abstracts - Authors are encouraged to submit a preliminary abstract or contact Mini-track Chairs for guidance and indication of appropriate content at anytime. * June 15 - Submit full manuscripts, the review is double-blind; therefore, this initial submission must be without author names. * Aug 15 - Review System emails Acceptance Notices to authors. It is very important that at least one author of each accepted paper attend the conference. Therefore, all travel guarantees including visa or fiscal/ funding procedures should begin immediately. Make sure your server accepts the address from our review system . * Sept 15 - SUBMIT FINAL PAPER. Add author names to your paper, and submit your Final Paper for Publication to the site provided in your Acceptance Notice. (This URL is not public knowledge.) * Oct 1 - Early Registration fee deadline. At least one author of each paper should register by this date in order secure publication in the Proceedings. Fees will increase on Oct 2 and Dec 2. * Oct 15 - Papers without at least one paid-in-full registered author may be deleted from the Proceedings and not scheduled for presentation; authors will be so notified by the Conference Office. Cancellation and Refund Policy : All conference cancellation requests must be in writing. A fee will be charged for cancellation of registration after Oct 15, at which time the paper is subject to withdrawal from the Proceedings. There is no registration refund after Dec 1. Cancellations for accommodations must be handled directly with the hotel. Instructions for Paper Submission : * HICSS papers must contain original material not previously published, or currently submitted elsewhere. * Do not submit the manuscript to more than one mini-track. If unsure which mini-track is appropriate, submit the abstract to the Track Chair for guidance. * Submit your full paper according to the detailed formatting and submission instructions found on the HICSS website, see Author Instructions!author-instructions/c1dsb . Note: All papers will be submitted in double column publication format and limited to 10 pages including diagrams and references. HICSS will conduct double-blind reviews of each submitted paper. HICSS conferences are devoted to advances in the information, computer, and system sciences, and encompass developments in both theory and practice. Invited papers may be theoretical, conceptual, tutorial or descriptive in nature. Submissions undergo a double-blind peer referee process and those selected for presentation will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Submissions must not have been previously published. For the latest information visit the HICSS web site at: CONFERENCE ADMINISTRATION: Ralph Sprague, Conference Chair - [log in to unmask] Sandra Laney, Conference Administrator - [log in to unmask] ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.