Dear AIB members,

the Department of Economics and Management of the University of Pavia is looking for experienced candidates who are interested in applying for a period of 12-24 months to be spent at our academic institution under the Programme Horizon 2020, Marie Sklodowska Curie Action - Individual Fellowship - financed by the European Commission.

Our Department has a special expertise in the field of International Business and in the related fields of export determinants, family business internationalization, international entrepreneurship and innovation. Scholars currently working in the Department are Antonella Zucchella, Antonio Majocchi, Stefano Denicolai and Birgit Hagen. Jean Francois Hennart is also currently a part-time professor in our Department.

For further information on our Department please contact: [log in to unmask]

Individual Fellowships support the mobility of experienced researchers, i.e. researchers having a doctoral degree or at least four years’ full-time research experience by the time of the call deadline (10 September 2015). Our Department will give you the technical and administrative support to submit your application. For further information on the fellowship, please find below the dedicated website:

All the best,

Antonio Majocchi - Associate Professor
Dpt. of Economics and Management
via S. Felice, 5 - I - 27100 Pavia
Tel + 39 0382 986467 

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