Succeeding in Emerging and Developing Markets:
Understanding How Institutions Impact Firms and Managers
Faculty Development Workshop
June 9-12, 2015 at the George Washington University, Washington, DC
Offered by: The George Washington University Center for International Business Education & Research (GW-CIBER)
The Workshop
Join us for a workshop designed to equip international business educators with an in-depth understanding of how institutions shape the strategies of firms and managers in developing and emerging countries. In these markets, international institutions play a prominent role, and local institutions are often informal, in transition, or non-existent. Explore how weak institutions create particular challenges, such as corruption, political risk, regulatory obstacles, social divisions, and civil strife – and the ways firms and managers can cope with these issues. Examine how non-governmental organizations (NGOs), social entrepreneurs, diaspora communities, and multilateral organizations strive to strengthen institutions in these markets and how these new institutional forms affect firms and managers. Past topics have included: what are institutions and why are the important for development; interactive case discussions: “Chinese Business in Africa," "The Untouchable Watercarrier," and "BRAC and Arrong Brands"; using the World Bank’s “Doing Business In” indicators in the classroom; financial capital challenges in developing countries; coping with corrupt business environments.
Teaching & Research Resource Materials
Articles; Cases; Syllabi; In-class exercises; Videos; Internet exercises; PowerPoint Slides
The Speakers
Past workshops have included representatives from: USAID; IFC; Transparency International; IMF; Emerging and developing countries governments; Businesses with experience in emerging markets and developing countries; Universities and research institutes specializing in a number of functional areas and disciplines.
The Workshop Leader
Dr. Liesl Riddle is an Associate Professor of International Business and International Affairs at the GW School of Business, and a faculty advisor for GW-CIBER in the area of diaspora investment and entrepreneurship. She has written extensively about diasporas and development, international entrepreneurship, and trade and investment promotion, and has served as a consultant for several organizations, embassies, and private-sector clients. Dr. Riddle’s regions of expertise include the Middle East and North and West Africa. She is a frequent guest speaker at the U.S. Foreign Service Institute in the Near East North Africa Area Studies Program. Dr. Riddle has received numerous teaching awards, including the GWSB Teaching Excellence Award. She teaches courses at the undergraduate, graduate, and executive levels, including courses on Migration, Identity & International Business; Global Perspectives; International Management; and Managing in Developing Countries. She previously served as Associate Dean for Graduate Programs in the School of Business, where she oversaw fourteen graduate programs. Dr. Riddle holds a BA and MA in Middle Eastern Studies, an MBA in Marketing/International Business, and a PhD in Sociology from the University of Texas at Austin. Prior to her appointment at GW in 2001, she worked in the field of market research and held the position of the Director of Research for an international market research firm.
The Details
Housing is provided by the GW-CIBER and is offered from June 9 to June 13 in one of GW’s scholar residences. Breakfast, lunch, and some dinners are also provided. Register early to ensure your spot is reserved! For full pricing information and to register please visit:
Co-sponsors: The CIBERs at: Georgia State University; Indiana University; Michigan State University; San Diego State University; University of Colorado; University of Maryland; University of Washington
Contact us: GW-CIBER; Duquès Hall, Suite 450, 2201 G Street, NW, Washington, DC 20052; Phone: 202-994-3098; Email: [log in to unmask]