
Call for Papers

2nd WU Vienna Paper Development Workshop:
“Advancing Finance Perspectives in IB Research”

Vienna, September 3rd - 4th 2015

Submission Deadline for Extended Abstracts: April 30th 2015

Organizer: Department of Global Business and Trade


We invite abstract submissions for the second WU Vienna Paper Development Workshop on “Advancing Finance Perspectives in IB Research”. In a full day intensive workshop, a maximum of ten projects will be reviewed and discussed by a highly reputable faculty.


Do not miss out on this opportunity to get in-depth feedback on your current research from:


·         Prof. Gary Bruton (Texas Christian University),

·         Prof. Douglas Cummings (York University),

·         Prof. Igor Filatotchev (Cass Business School London and WU Vienna) and

·         Prof. Jonas Puck (WU Vienna).

·         Prof. Gerhard Speckbacher (WU Vienna).


We invite extended abstracts which are situated at the intersections of international finance and international business. The workshop will offer in-depth discussions and feedback by leading scholars in the field.


Paper submission procedure and deadlines:

·         April 30th:  Submission of three-page extended abstracts (max. 2.000 words + references and appendices) and a short academic CV (to [log in to unmask])

·         May 30th: Notification of acceptance.

·         June 10th: Confirmation of attendance by accepted authors.

·         June 30th: Submission of full papers following JIBS style guide.

·         September 3rd: Evening welcome reception at WU Vienna campus.

·         September 4th:  Full-day workshop 9 am – 7 pm followed by farewell dinner in an external venue (details will be announced).


See call for papers for more information (attached) or e-mail me ([log in to unmask] ).


Kind Regards!



Dr. Jakob Müllner
Assistant Professor

WU Vienna – Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien [log in to unmask]">
Institute for Export Management
Department of Global Business and Trade

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Welthandelsplatz 1 / D1. 5.
A-1020 Wien


Tel.: +43-1-313 36-4374

Fax: +43-1-313 36-90-4374

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