Call for Papers
2nd WU Vienna Paper Development Workshop:
“Advancing Finance Perspectives in IB Research”
Vienna, September 3rd
- 4th 2015
Submission Deadline for Extended Abstracts: April 30th 2015
Organizer: Department of Global Business and Trade
We invite abstract submissions for the second WU Vienna Paper Development Workshop on “Advancing Finance Perspectives in IB Research”. In a full day intensive workshop, a maximum of ten projects will be reviewed
and discussed by a highly reputable faculty.
Do not miss out on this opportunity to get in-depth feedback on your current research from:
Prof. Gary Bruton (Texas Christian University),
Prof. Douglas Cummings (York University),
Prof. Igor Filatotchev (Cass Business School London and WU Vienna) and
Prof. Jonas Puck (WU Vienna).
Prof. Gerhard Speckbacher
(WU Vienna).
We invite extended abstracts
which are situated at the intersections of international finance and international business. The workshop will
offer in-depth discussions and feedback by leading scholars in the field.
Paper submission procedure and deadlines:
April 30th: Submission of three-page extended abstracts (max. 2.000 words
+ references and appendices) and a short academic CV (to
[log in to unmask])
May 30th:
Notification of acceptance.
June 10th:
Confirmation of attendance by accepted authors.
June 30th:
Submission of full papers following JIBS style guide.
September 3rd: Evening welcome reception at WU Vienna campus.
September 4th: Full-day
workshop 9 am – 7 pm followed by farewell dinner in an external venue (details will be announced).
See call for papers for more information (attached)
or e-mail me ([log in to unmask] ).
Kind Regards!
Dr. Jakob Müllner
Assistant Professor
WU Vienna – Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien
Institute for Export Management
Department of Global Business and Trade
Welthandelsplatz 1 / D1. 5. OG
A-1020 Wien
Tel.: +43-1-313 36-4374
Fax: +43-1-313 36-90-4374