

22nd Annual International Vincentian Business Ethics Conference (IVBEC)


New York City

22nd October - 24th October 2015

IVBEC 2015 will take place at the New York Marriott Downtown, NYC

Sponsored by the Vincentian Universities in the United States - St. John’s University, DePaul University, and Niagara University, and co-sponsored by the UN Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME)

UN Global Compact and UN PRME:

What We Practice and What We Teach in Business Ethics


In addition to the general theme for the keynote and plenary sessions, the conference is organized in broad topical areas based on proposed submissions.

We are looking for submissions from business professionals, academics and young scholars who have an interest in and commitment to the study and discussion of business and professional ethics. 


The conference will begin on Thursday afternoon, October 22nd and run until Saturday afternoon, October 24th.  Specific details on the conference venue and accommodations may be found on our website ( ). The conference registration fee is $350.00.



We require a one to three-page proposal (Word or PDF formats) for one of the following: an empirical, theoretical or pedagogical research paper; a practical case study; an emerging approach to teaching business ethics; or, a panel session of business and academic leaders discussing problems and challenges concerning ethics and ethical decision making in business. All submissions must indicate whether they are “Discussion” papers (abstract only) or “Full” papers. Full paper submissions must follow the proposal with a full paper by the date designated below and will be considered for a Best Paper Award.  Final proposals will be selected through a blind referee process based on the quality of the submission and their relation to the theme of the conference.   


All submissions should include a separate title page and must be submitted electronically in Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF format to [log in to unmask]. When submitting please label the files as follows: "Last Name, First Name - Title Page", "Last Name, First Name - Abstract" or "Last Name, First Name - Full Paper."

Papers are submitted with the understanding that they are original, unpublished works that have not been submitted elsewhere and that at least [one of] the author[s] will attend the conference and present the paper.


Paper Abstracts/Proposals due:                                                                   April 15, 2015
Decision Date:                                                                                                 June 1, 2015
Confirmation of Attendance:                                                                        July 1, 2015
Submission of Full Papers for Best Paper Award:                            September 1, 2015
Conference Dates:                                                                             October 22–24, 2015
Completed Papers Consideration for Special Issue:                         December 1, 2015



The paper abstract or proposals should consist of a title page and a short summary (1-3 pages) on the subject, including keywords. The title page should contain the name, institutional affiliation, postal address, telephone number, fax number, country code, and electronic mailing address of each author. All materials or references that allow the blind reviewer to identify the author(s) should be completely removed from the abstract and paper, and appear only on the title page. Authors should bear in mind that abstracts will be used to publicize the content of their article and should therefore emphasize the value of the article's contribution to conference participants. Authors should also attempt to make the abstract understandable to both academics and laypersons alike.

Paper abstracts/Proposals should be typed using font size 12 on 8.5 x 11'' paper with 1'' margins.
Each page should be numbered and line spacing should be single spaced.


Papers should roughly conform to the standards set by the Journal of Business Ethics. The title page should contain the name, institutional affiliation, postal address, telephone number, fax number, country code, and electronic mailing address of each author. The second page should include the paper title, an abstract that is 100-250 words and keywords. All materials or references that allow the blind reviewer to identify the author(s) should be completely removed from the paper, and appear only on the title page. 

Papers should be typed using font size 12 on 8.5 x 11'' paper with 1'' margins.
Each page should be numbered and line spacing should be double spaced.


Following the conference, participants will be invited to submit finalized papers for publication in a special edition of the Journal of Business Ethics.



New York Marriott Downtown 
85 West Street at Albany Street 
New York, NY 10006 

* Conference participants are encouraged to reserve a room at the conference hotel. For more details please visit the conference website:


If you have any further questions, please email:  
Dr. Linda Sama (
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Dr. Mitch Casselman (
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