Please distribute the following: Call for Papers Seventh Mustang International Academic Conference Dallas, Texas on Oct. 15-17, 2015 Deadline for Submission is September 15, 2015 You are cordially invited to our upcoming fall conference in The Big D, Dallas, Texas! The conference will be at the beautiful DoubleTree by Hilton Dallas near the Galleria. Our Seventh International Conference will provide a friendly and supportive environment for new and established academicians an opportunity to share their research and works in progress with members inside and outside their disciplines. The Conference encourages small colleges and regional universities, as well as doctoral candidates, graduate and undergraduate students to attend! The Conference and the Journals invite submissions in all business and related social science disciplines, including accounting, business, finance, communication, criminology, cultural studies, economics, education, management, international business, marketing, history, political science, psychology, sociology, social work, business ethics, and business law, in all areas domestic and international. Pedagogy, case studies, teaching notes, book reviews, cross-disciplinary studies, and papers with student co-authors are especially welcome. The Conference is affiliated with our six peer-reviewed journals: The International Journal of Social Science Research, The International Journal of Economics and Social Science, The Mustang Journal of Management and Marketing, The Mustang Journal of Accounting and Finance, The Mustang Journal of Business, and The Mustang Journal of Law and Legal Studies. All six journals are listed in Cabell’s directory. All accepted presentations will be published in the Conference Proceedings! Top 3 Papers will receive a Distinguished Paper Award! Students receive a discounted registration! Mustang Journals offers a conference rate of $105 per night. Mustang Journals makes every effort to honor your preference for presentation. The schedule is designed to allow ample time for discussion and constructive input from attendees. Conference website: Submit an abstract for quick review to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> Can’t join us in Dallas? Our spring, 2016 conference will be in New Orleans! UPDATE – POST-LAS VEGAS CONFERENCE We are pleased to announce our Distinguished Papers winner for our spring 2015 Las Vegas conference: Bernard McNeal, Bowie State Revisiting the Financial Vulnerability of Nonprofit Business Leagues Post-2007 Recession Craig Randall, Florida Gulf Coast University Exploration/Exploitation during Development: Linking CEO Behavior & Poor Outcomes in SME’s Bree Morrison & Ranjna Patel, Bethune-Cookman University Rethinking the Brain: An Applied Emotional Intelligence Model using expanded choice sets for improved decision making Best wishes to all our presenters!