International Human Resource Management (IHRM) is considered an important issue when discussing International Business Management. Its importance
is demonstrated by the growth of international publications, especially in the last decade. Among the features that are highlighted as justifications for the increase in value of people management and its related processes include the increasing competitiveness
of corporate business globally, and consequently, the growth of professionals moving across national borders.
The recognition of IHRM as a determinant of success or failure in international business is of interest to academics and professionals, who are able
to provide a rich triangulation of information sources. Note that both findings from academic as well as those of specialized consultants demonstrate: (i) the increase of companies' internationalisation processes (HEWITT INTERNATIONAL, 2009; SOCIETY FOR HUMAN
RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, PWC, 2011); (ii) the growth of the mobility of professionals supported by a body of literature on expatriation and concerns with talent management (DELOITTE INTERNATIONAL, PWC 2014); and (iii) changes in management practices of people
related to career expectations and the Valuing of development and learning (SILVA, ORSI, NAKATA, 2013).
The gap between the content of domestic and international production is also highlighted (Silva ORSI, NAKATA, 2013), with the latter turning to the
development of management models and the former maintaining a focus on practices. This fact, in addition to the difference in the volume of articles produced in the last ten years, is of concern due to the emergence of the theme, especially when considering
the peculiarities of Brazilian culture. Considering that this mediates the adaptive processes of multinationals that are established in the country as well as how they are internalised, justifies a discussion forum for articles on International Human Resource
The articles from this forum can promote reflections on the strategies for managing human capital in organisations that operate across borders, contributing
to the expansion of this field of studies and publications on IHRM in Brazil.
To contribute to the dissemination of academic knowledge in the field of International Business and its strategic management of human resource processes,
the Journal of International Business at ESPM (Internext) invites scholars to submit the results of their studies in the following areas: