> > The webinar “Opportunities and Challenges of Sustaining Community Food Systems” has been rescheduled for April 22, 2015. Feel free to share with others who may be interested in participating. > > > WEBINAR ANNOUNCEMENT > Opportunities and Challenges of Sustaining Community Food Systems > > Trudy Rice (Kansas State University) > Michelle Walk (Michigan State University) > > April 22, 2015 > > 1:00 PM – Eastern Time > > http://connect.msu.edu/ncrcrd <http://connect.msu.edu/ncrcrd> > > About the webinar: Local food systems projects have many different “faces” across the North Central Region. However, the principles of sound community development apply to the project’s success in any community. These principles include: assessment, vision creation, goal identification, project determination, outcome evaluation, and celebration of successes. Through onsite discussions, eight communities in 3 North Central states shared the ways they used these steps to identify the need to develop or strengthen the local food system, how they measure their successes, how their initiatives are funded, and how they plan to sustain the local food system for future generations. The findings from these 9 local focus groups will be the focus of this webinar. An over view of each program will be shared as well as general best practices related to sound community planning principles. > > About the Speakers: > Trudy Rice, Extension Community Vitality Specialist, Kansas State University Research and Extension. Trudy has spent her entire professional career with K-State Research and Extension first serving as a county agent and currently as a Community Vitality specialist at the state level. Trudy works with local communities across the state as they assess their community strengths and opportunities for improvement. Many times these include issues related the healthy lifestyle of people and the financial health of local communities. Trudy has served on the Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) board for the North Central Region and recently served as an Extension liaison to the National Association of Counties. > > Michelle Walk, Extension Educator, Michigan State University Extension. Michelle concentrates on programming related to Sustaining Community Prosperity/Tourism and Community Food Systems. Michelle has been very active in working with communities in the UP of Michigan addressing the issue of local food as it relates to living a healthy lifestyle and providing economic health for the community. Michelle has a strength in developing, promoting and fostering partnerships to work for the good of the people who live and work in local communities. > > Registration: There is no registration and no fee for attending this webinar. > > To join the webinar go to http://connect.msu.edu/ncrcrd <http://connect.msu.edu/ncrcrd>, “enter as a guest” is by default already chosen. Type your name into the text box provided, and click on “Enter Room”. You are now in the meeting room for the webinar. > > If you’ve never used Adobe Connect on the computer you will be using, please use the “Test your connection” link below and do a test connection to the actual meeting space well in advance of the scheduled meeting time. http://connect.msu.edu/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm <http://connect.msu.edu/common/help/en/support/meeting_test.htm> > > To facilitate Q&A’s, participants submit questions/comments via the Chat Function in Adobe Connect. > > The webinar will be recorded and archived at http://ncrcrd.msu.edu/ncrcrd/chronological_archive <http://ncrcrd.msu.edu/ncrcrd/chronological_archive>. > > To receive these announcements directly, or to correct errors in our distribution list, please email [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>. > > North Central Regional Center for Rural Development > Michigan State University > Justin S. Morrill Hall of Agriculture > 446 W. Circle Drive, Room 66 > East Lansing, MI 48824 > 517.355.3373 >