

Dear Friends,
Friday the 13th IS your lucky day! It is the day of the Michigan Organic Reporting Session
This is a wonderful program part of ANR week. We hope that you can join us!

This year’s theme is Weed management and impact on soil health. But that is just the beginning…
I have included the agenda but note that in the afternoon we are going to discuss with farmers and researchers like yourselves of priority areas for on-farm research. Farmers will identify key areas of interest for organic research. Some registered farmers have already shared with me their priorities. For example, nitrate leeching with different tillage systems, developing an educational farm from their farm, understanding how different farming systems impact carbon sequestration, impact of pest management products combined with cultural practices.

Our farmers with team up with a researcher or two and educator  to develop an on farm research grant based on group identified priorities for needs by Michigan Organic farmers.

The event will be in Brody Hall Rm 134 from 8:30-4:00 and see below what is on offer throughout the day.

Please register at :  You can register using a MSU account too, right at this site!

 I think that you may regret not coming!!
Feel free to share with your colleagues and graduate students. Hope to see you then!

Here is the agenda and scoop for the daY!!
Weed management and impact on soil health
Friday, March 13, 2015
Located at: Room 136 Brody Hall, Michigan State University
Address: 241 Brody Service Rd East Lansing, MI 48823

Visit<> to register

Cost is $25 for farmers and students and $30 for others (all inclusive)

The day will offer:

  *   Research reports on weed biology and tillage systems:
  *   Dr. Erin Hill [MSU Plant, Soil & Microbiology] will present: “From seeds to weeds: Factors influencing organic weed management throughout the lifecycle”
  *   Dan Kane [MSU Plant, Soil & Microbiology] will present: “Ridge tillage improves synchrony of soil organic nitrogen turnover and plant demand”
  *   Farmers’ panel of what works and what doesn’t on their farm for weed management and building soil health

  *   Discussions and priority setting session of research needs for organic weed management and soil health.
  *   Farmers, researchers and educators will break into teams to develop possible on-farm research grants, identifying a common research question.

  *   Taste of Michigan Reception

This program will focus on organic production systems, appropriate for all types of farming. Lunch and materials are included. The Taste of Michigan Mingle will offer light refreshments and a chance to catch up with old friends and make new.

Vicki Morrone
Organic farming specialist
Center For Regional Food Systems at MSU
480 Wilson Rd Rm 303
East Lansing, MI 48824
517-353-3542/517-282-3557 (cell)

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