

Just wanted to chime in briefly here with some recent NSF news on the topic:

"NSF will require that articles in peer-reviewed scholarly journals and papers in juried conference proceedings or transactions be deposited in a public access compliant repository and be available for download, reading and analysis within one year of publication."


Joseph A. Henderson, PhD
Learning Sciences &
Climate Change Researcher
University of Delaware
Academia | Scholar | Twitter

On Mar 19, 2015, at 8:53 AM, Julie Libarkin <[log in to unmask]> wrote:


Here is a comment from Steve Anderson - he's in the Indian Ocean right now, but wanted me to post.


Begin forwarded message:

From: "Anderson, Steven" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: RE: New “Journal of Astronomy & Earth Sciences Education” Invites Manuscripts
Date: March 19, 2015 3:20:52 AM EDT
To: Julie Libarkin <[log in to unmask]>

Hey Julie, I will respond to your email in a follow up. Can you please place this on the listserve?  I want my 2 cents in on this.

I am already more than irritated at many of our mainstream scientific journal publishers who profiteer on the backs of overworked scientists in academia, national labs, and the public sector by enlisting us as editors (mostly unpaid) then reviewers (almost always unpaid) and then jacking us for page charges (which our underfunded universities and granting agencies pony up) and then charging us or our libraries exorbitant subscription rates just so that we read the papers that we did all the work on. Apparently these publishers think we are idiots to keep going along with this system.  Unfortunately we, as a discipline, really are because we just keep doing it. So let's stop this nonsense now. I find the whole industry quite disgusting, and hope we can continue going towards online publishing with no page charges, no library fees, and no profiteering. For places like the Clute Institute to take it a step further and charge us yet another time, and then not even provide something as simple as a DOI, is not acceptable to me. I won't be using them, and will actively suggest to others to avoid them.

From: Julie Libarkin [[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2015 2:22 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: New “Journal of Astronomy & Earth Sciences Education” Invites Manuscripts


I think this announcement to the list is a good opportunity for our community to discuss publication venues and norms. As noted by Lukes et al. (2015), the geocognition and geoscience education research community has grown much larger in recent years, with attendant pressure on our existing journals to process more and more submissions. Certainly, an increase in submission numbers was my experience when I was the Editor of the Journal of Geoscience Education until 2012. This pressure is a good thing, as it can encourage the development of new opportunities for publication and dissemination of research findings.

JAESE appears to be published by the Clute Institute. I do not know anything about the JAESE journal, but would like to share a few facts about the Clute Institute in general. The Clute Institute has been closely scrutinized for providing pay-to-publish services that do not fall within standard publishing norms. Librarian Jeffrey Beall at UC Denver has a recent blog post about the Clute Institute: I encourage you to read it.

The biggest concerns are that: 1) authors must pay to submit a manuscript; 2) authors can pay more to have their manuscripts reviewed more quickly; 3) authors must pay non-normative fees to publish a manuscript, with fees increasing for longer papers; and 4) the Clute Institute does not provide DOIs, so manuscripts are difficult for other scholars to find. In addition, the Clute Institute is not a member of any scholarly publishing organizations, including COPE (the Committee on Publication Ethics), and plagiarism may be a problem with Clute journals (

I wanted to start a dialogue so we can collectively reflect on what publishing should look like, both in traditional and nontraditional venues, as we grow and develop as a community of research and practice. I would be the first to welcome more diverse publishing venues, but caution that they must be the right ones.

Take care

Julie Libarkin
Associate Professor
Director - Geocognition Research Lab
Michigan State University
288 Farm Lane, 206 Natural Science
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: 517-355-8369

Affiliations: Center for Integrative Studies in General Science, Department of Geological Sciences, Cognitive Science Program, Environmental Science and Policy Program, CREATEforSTEM

On Mar 18, 2015, at 9:07 AM, Tim Slater <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

The “Journal of Astronomy & Earth Sciences Education” invites
education research scholars and public outreach professionals to
submit manuscripts across the broadly defined Earth and space science
disciplines. Based in the United States and founded by an
internationally recognized editorial advisory board, JAESE publishes
refereed articles for an international audience in discipline-based
education research on teaching and learning across a broad range of
disciplines including: astronomy, climate science, geology, geography,
energy resource science, environmental sciences, meteorology,
oceanography, planetary sciences, and space sciences.  In addition to
empirical, quantitative and qualitative science education research
articles, JAESE publishes essays on innovative teaching strategies and
systematically evaluated public outreach programs, using a blind,
multiple-peer-review system. JAESE’s first issue is available at www., and detailed author submission guidelines are available
    JAESE articles are indexed through NASA SAO/ADS, GoogleScholar,
ERIC, EBSCO, and ProQuest, among other reputable scholarly citation
systems. All articles are open-access, meaning articles are
permanently free to readers and libraries without a subscription. The
journal keeps costs low by using an established business model where
authors or their institutions pay a nominal a open-access curation and
publication fee instead of a subscription. Additional information
about the journal may be directed to Dr. Tim Slater, Editor, at
[log in to unmask] or found online at


Timothy F. Slater, Ph.D.
University of Wyoming Excellence in Higher Education Endowed Chair of
Science Education
Senior Scientist, CAPER Center for Astronomy & Physics Education
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Astronomy & Earth Sciences Education,
(307)766-2334 (office);   (520)975-1373 (cell);  email:[log in to unmask]