

*The Management Group* at Ozyegin University, Istanbul, invites
applications for two open rank positions in the fields of
Strategy, Entrepreneurship and International Business. The appointments are
open to candidates at all ranks. Applications are invited from ambitious
individuals who have (or show evidence of building) an established
international research reputation through publications at leading journals
in their respective fields, and who are willing to play a leading role in
the further development of the management group atOzyegin University.
Successful candidates are expected to teach core and elective courses in
our undergraduate and graduate (MBA, EMBA) programs in their respective

*We will be conducting preliminary interviews at
the Academy of Management meeting in Vancouver*. Candidates interested in a
preliminary interview can contact Dr. R. Isil Yavuz at
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*Requirements:* Candidates should have their PhD or expect to complete
their PhD by June 2016. More senior candidates are expected to demonstrate
an extensive record of publication in leading journals and success in the
classroom. More junior candidates are expected to have potential to do
independent research and publish in high quality journals. Finally,
candidates are expected to demonstrate a passion in teaching students at
all levels.

*Application:* Candidates who are interested in either position should
submit their CV, cover letter, samples of research, teaching evaluations
(if available) and any other supporting material to
[log in to unmask] . Candidates should also arrange three letters of
recommendation to be emailed or sent to the address below. Recruitment will
continue on an ongoing basis until all positions are filled.

R. Isil Yavuz, PhD

Faculty of Business

Ozyegin University

Nisantepe Mah. Orman Sok. No.13

Cekmekoy, Istanbul 34774


*Institution:* Established in 2007, Ozyegin University is a private,
not-for-profit university, aiming to be Turkey's first "Third Generation
University," i.e., a university that considers transformation of knowledge
into economic value central to its mission. We have ambitious plans for
development across the range of our activities and for building an
outstanding reputation for academic innovation and achievement. With its
chief focus on research that is rigorous and relevant, Ozyegin University
places strong emphasis on research and provides ample support to that end.

Ozyegin University is an international university where the working
language and language of education is English. All facultymembers either
received their PhDs abroad, worked abroad, or both. They thus bring a
global point of view, which is very important in today’s business and
academic environment. The business school offers degrees at all levels:
undergraduate, MBA and EMBA, MSc and PhD. In addition, there is an active
Executive Education program. Ozyegin University has built very strong teams
in finance, marketing and operations, and in management and
strategy. Ozyegin University is located in the only city that spans two
continents. Istanbul is the cultural, economic and financial center of the
fast-growing Turkish economy that is in the top 20 in the world. Designated
as a global city, it is an important node in the global economic system as
well as an important hub for activity in the broader region.

The Management Group at Ozyegin University spans the areas of
organizational behavior, technology and innovationmanagement, entrepreneurship,
strategy and international business. The group consists of 11
full-time faculty from diverse disciplinary backgrounds.
All faculty members have published in the leading journals in their
respective fields, including *Strategic Management Journal, Management Science,
Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Product
Innovation Management*, and *the Journal of Business Venturing*. Besides
being active in research, faculty members also consult with large Turkish
as well as multinational corporations, and Non-profit organizations. The
department offers a variety of core and elective courses in the BSc. in
Business Administration, BSc. in International Business and Trade, MBA, and
Executive MBA programs. The department has also recently started a
Management track in the PhD program.


Dr. R. Işıl Yavuz

Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship & International Strategy
Department of Economics and Administrative Sciences
Özyeğin University, Istanbul 34794, Turkey
Tel: +90 (216) 564 94 37

Mobile: + 90 (532) 650 69 82

E-mail: [log in to unmask]

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