Dear AIB Moderator,
I would be grateful if you please distribute the Call for Papers (please scroll down) to the AIB List.
Thank you!
Best regards,
Michael Wolff
5th International Conference on
Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets
September 25 - 26
, 2015
HHL - Leipzig Graduate School of Management, Leipzig, Germany
The conference will follow the Conference on ‘Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets: How to gain the competition for investors’ which would take place from September 24 to
September 25, 2015 at the same location and is also sponsored by HHL and IFC.
Submission Deadline:
April 30, 2015
Decisions will be announced by June 1, 2015
Supported by
The Emerging Markets Corporate Governance Research Network, supported by the Corporate Governance Solutions Group and HHL call for papers to be presented at the
5th International Conference on Corporate Governance in Emerging Markets to be held on September 25
- 26, 2015 in Leipzig, Germany. The conference series bring together researchers from around the world investigating the impact
of corporate governance on firm performance and economic development, and the role of legal, economic and political institutions in shaping corporate governance systems in emerging markets. The conference series aims to facilitate dissemination of state of
the art research on corporate governance in emerging markets with the objective of supporting policy and practice development, all to improve corporate governance research. To this end the conference will provide a forum to discuss and solicit research from
both theoretical and policy perspectives. The conference will also provide an opportunity to inquire how academic research findings relate to practice in emerging markets, among others by having leading practitioners as discussants.
The conference series is an undertaking of EMCGN (Emerging Markets Corporate Governance Research Network) chaired by Prof. Stijn Claessens of University of Amsterdam and IMF:
As in past conferences – hosted by Sabanci University Corporate Governance Forum in 2007, Coppead Graduate Business School and the FGV Law School in 2009, the Corporate Governance
Institute at Korea University in 2011, and the Indian School of Business in 2013 – papers on all aspects of corporate governance are welcome. Papers are expected to be from law, economics and finance fields, but the conference also welcomes papers from a variety
of other disciplines such as sociology, organizational science, and management. Both theoretical and empirical papers, as well as clinical studies, are welcome. The conference welcomes papers focusing on comparative research comprising clusters of countries
sharing similar institutional or macroeconomic characteristics. Clusters may comprise of countries that are geographically close as in regions, or distant such as the BRIC countries or countries with similar institutional frameworks or corporate governance
reform approaches. Researchers from emerging market institutions are strongly encouraged to participate.
The keynote speakers for this conference will be announced in the near future.
Conference Themes
(1) Dynamic aspects of ownership and control structures in emerging markets
Family-owned/controlled firms.
Business groups.
Governance mechanisms and implications for firm level governance indicators.
The corporate governance of financial institutions.
(2) The role of institutional investors in emerging markets
Use of corporate governance disclosure by investors.
Conflicts of interest.
(3) Dimensions of firm-society interactions and governance implications in emerging markets
Sustainable development and climate change.
“Socially responsible investments”.
(4) Public and private enforcement and dynamic changes in emerging markets
Improving enforcement in weak environments.
Roles of voluntary mechanisms.
The dynamic aspects of institutional change.
Paper Submissions
The deadline for submitting papers is April 30, 2015. Accepted papers will be announced by June 1, 2015. Submissions can be done online at
or by e-mail to
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and copied to [log in to unmask].
All submissions must be in English. The cover page should have the title and information for each author, while the second page should have just the title and abstract with no identification of authors (nor should authors be identifiable in the remainder of
the paper). The preferred file format is pdf but doc files are also acceptable.
Travel and Expenses
Reasonable economy class travel expenses for one presenter of each accepted paper will be reimbursed by the organizing institutions after the conference if requested.
The organizing institutions at the conference will also cover lodging expenses for one presenter of each accepted paper.
Organizing Committee
Christian Strenger – Chair (HHL – Leipzig Graduate School of Management)
Melsa Ararat (IFC-GCGF and Sabanci University Corporate Governance Forum)
Stijn Claessens (IMF and University of Amsterdam)
Marc Steffen Rapp (Philipps-University of Marburg)
BurcinYurtoglu (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management)
Scientific Committee
Viral Acharya (New York University)
Renee Adams (University of New South Wales)
N. Balasubramanian (Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore)
Lucian Bebchuk (Harvard University)
Roland Benabou (Princeton University)
Erik Berglof (EBRD)
Bernard Black (Northwestern University)
Stijn Claessens (IMF and University of Amsterdam)
Martijn Cremers (Yale University)
Joseph Fan (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Igor Filatotchev (City University of London)
Ronald Gilson (Stanford University)
Hasung Jang (Korea University)
Junkoo Kang (Nanyang Technological University of Singapore)
Vikramaditya S. Khanna (University of Michigan)
Woojin Kim (Seoul National University)
Bruce Kogut (Columbia University)
Ricardo P. Camara Leal (Universidade Federal Do Rio de Janeiro)
Kai Li (University of British Columbia)
Dirk Matten (York University)
Randall Morck (University of Alberta)
Kyung Suh Park (Korean University)
Enrico Perotti (University of Amsterdam)
Katharina Pistor (Columbia University)
Raghuram Rajan (The University of Chicago)
Mark Roe (Harvard University)
Subrata Sarkar
(Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research)
Kaustav Sen (Indian Institute of Management, Kolkata)
Michael Wolff (Georg-August-University of Göttingen)
Pradeep Yadav (University of Oklahoma)
Yishay Yafeh (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Luigi Zingales (University of Chicago)
Questions about the conference can be addressed to
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and copied to
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For further information please see
Conference Website:
Prof. Dr. Michael Wolff
Professur für Management und Controlling
Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Fakultät
Platz der Göttinger Sieben 3
37073 Göttingen
Tel.: +49 (0)551 / 39-7273
Fax: +49 (0)551 / 39-7274
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