Dear Colleague
Just a reminder not to miss our wonderful conference @ Ashridge, with four great Keynote Speakers, Opening Panel of Experts, and 4 peer reviewed journals we will be guest editing.
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Call for Papers and all further information, see below
Carla Millar
Ashridge International Research Conference 2015
2pm June 12th – 2pm June 14th 2015
Leadership, Management, HR Innovation in Professional &
Knowledge Intensive Organisations:
People and process challenges in the global knowledge economy
Call for Papers
Information on acceptance for conference papers by May 1st 2015
Early Bird Fee: payment to be received by May 21st 2015
Journal Special Issues
Linked to the conference topic, we will be Guest Editing a Special Issue of
The International Journal of Human Resource Management
The Journal of Knowledge Management
The Journal of Academic Ethics
The Journal of Public Affairs
And we have a Partnership Agreement with
Creativity and Innovation Management.
Conference Chairs:
Professor Carla Millar, Fellow, Ashridge & Professor International Management, Univ of Twente, NL
Professor Stephen Chen, Professor of International Business, University of Newcastle, Australia
Lee Waller,
Ashridge Centre for
Research in Executive Development, UK
Keynote Speakers
Laurent Choain, Chief HR Officer, Mazars Group,
Paris, France on
Innovation, Education and HR Strategy in Professional Service Firms
Professor Juani Swart,
University of Bath, UK, on
HR Policies and Processes to Manage Knowledge Professionals
Professor John Mahon, University of Maine,
USA on Knowledge Corruption in KIOs
Professor Giovanni Schiuma, University of
the Arts, London, UK and Universitá della
Basilicata, Italy on
Value Creation in Knowledge Intensive Organisations
Changes in technological, social and economic environments pose significant challenges for leadership and management of organisations, departments and administrations
in knowledge-intensive, creative or professional industries, activities and services (in short, “KI” services / organisations). In knowledge intensive activities and services people are the organisation’s primary assets. Increasingly, people’s knowledge, experience
and creativity form the backbone of the organisation’s success and leading and managing them to achieve their potential is of key importance, as is the retention of developed knowledge professionals over time.
Growth of KI organisations (KIOs) also depends crucially on management's ability to give leadership in a way that supports knowledge-intensive teamwork. The
global nature of much knowledge and of knowledge networks and the ambitions of KI firms to expand globally add to the leadership challenge, bringing into focus both cultural differences and other international business issues such as the protection of intellectual
property rights and retaining your best talent. The leadership and management challenges of knowledge asset value creation are also mirrored in public sector organisations, creative industries and R&D organisations.
In this conference we will address the challenges of leading and managing knowledge intensive services and organisations, departments and administrations and
building effective leadership and management skills. We aim to frame this in the context of the strategic importance of value creation leadership in KIOs, both traditional and innovative ones, both locally and internationally, and to lay the groundwork for
the development of theory, as well as for tangible practical approaches.
The topic of this conference is overdue for more attention; to date research on leadership and management of such organisations has not kept pace with research
on management of manufacturing organisations. KIS organisations face a number of new developments in their competitive environment including a global shortage of talent (Schuler et al., 2011), information technologies that are reshaping the competitive landscape
in KIOs (Federoff, 2012), the development of new business models such as offshoring of knowledge-intensive services (Lewin et al, 2009) and global open innovation models (Chesbrough, 2010).
In delineating the scope of knowledge intensive services to be considered, we look to definitions such as “organisations / firms whose primary value-added activities
consist of the accumulation, creation, or dissemination of knowledge for the purpose of developing a customised service” (Bettencourt et al. 2002), also Caniëls & Romijn (2005), Simmie and Strambach (2006), Strambach (2008), Kam and Singh (2004), as “companies
/ organisations which rely heavily on professional knowledge, i.e. knowledge or expertise related to a specific (technical) discipline or functional domain, to supply products and services that are knowledge based” (Den Hartog 2000), or
are defined as services where ‘knowledge is the main production factor and the good they offer’ (European Commission, 2012).
We pay attention to international public administrations, e.g. those pursuing reform agendas whether applying “new public management” or later approaches (Hood,
1991; Willem & Buelens, 2007; Pollitt, 2014), or models for how in the UK the Civil Service can implement The UK Civil Service Reform Plan 2012, and respond to David Cameron’s call for a Civil Service that is pacier, more flexible, focused on outcomes and
results rather than process, encourages innovation and challenges the status quo.
The types of knowledge and the types of organisational form are varied. As well as technical knowledge and factual/data knowledge, attention needs to be given
to particularly intangible knowledge assets such as tacit knowledge (e.g. Polanyi, 1966). Research in this area has not progressed strongly and major gaps are observable.
Organisational forms also span a wide range from dedicated R&D, creative or professional services firms to Civil Service departments and in-house centres of
excellence or expertise in multinationals. While these are very specific organisations, firms, departments with specific leadership, management, career structure challenges, they share the common factor that people are their major assets and success depends
on leading and managing them so that their knowledge – both explicit and tacit is fully exploited for the benefit of the organisation.
Many historic KI organisations (e.g. law, accountancy, consultancy) are characterised by partnerships without external ownership, informal management, up-or-out
promotion, and an emphasis on professionalization, which tends to manage quality by the use of control mechanisms not necessarily suitable to the demands of the knowledge intensive operating environment. As professions, many also thrive on a monopoly on the
use of the knowledge for their profession, autonomous (self-) regulation, rules and practices that exclude non-professionals and mitigate competition amongst professionals; this can lead to a club-like environment with distinctive behaviour and even its own
code of ethics. Attempts to apply leadership and management skills from elsewhere to such an environment regularly end in failure (see also Von Nordenflycht, 2010).
By contrast a more recent wave of KI organisations is characterised by emphasis on the search for innovative and self-starting individuals, giving them freedom
to deploy their talents creatively, and basing revenue generation and growth on the value of the input given to clients together with the star quality of staff or teams. Employee bargaining power and preference for autonomy make authority problematic (Anand
et al., 2007) and lead to organisational responses in the form of alternative compensation mechanisms and autonomy and informality in organisational structure. While leadership and management in such organisations may often be “light touch” at the same time
it needs to pay particular constant attention to inspiring and retaining staff.
It can also be observed that an
individual‘s professional knowledge is becoming outdated at a faster rate than ever before. Rapid changes in the job market and work-related technologies are necessitating continuous education. In some sectors, AI and other forms of automation may eliminate
50-80% of the work currently undertaken by professionals and skilled workers.
The following either consist of knowledge-intensive activities or require substantial management of them to maintain viability:
research and development (R&D),
management consulting,
the public sector, public administration, the Civil Service,
information and communication services,
human resource management and employment services.
legal services (including those related to Intellectual Property rights),
financial services (including banking and insurance services),
hospitals and medical services
marketing and advertising services,
creative businesses,
cultural organisations
Within the framework of our title:
Leadership, Management, Innovation in Professional & Knowledge Intensive Organisations:
People and process challenges in the global knowledge
the issues below are some of those the conference may cover, and on which we will be happy to accept submissions - but of course acceptance of submissions is
not limited to these:
Leading and leadership
Challenges of leading and managing knowledge workers as a type (not just managing the knowledge or content of their work)
Integrity in knowledge intensive organisations
New theories of both motivation and leadership as they apply to knowledge-intensive organisational environments
Leadership and incentivising trouble shooters
Leadership style differences among types of KIS (e.g. think tanks, ICT pioneers, traditional professional practices)
Women in KIS
Exploiting the combined knowledge of the team
Exploiting the institution’s cumulative IP
The impact of the asymmetric provider – buyer relationship in knowledge transfer
Talent, creativity, innovation, tacit knowledge as sources of competitive advantage
Knowledge intensive activities in the global environment
The role of globalisation and technology developments in KIOs
Knowledge Cities
The interaction of (information) technology, knowledge management techniques and KIS leadership in a global KI context
Knowledge based capital as source of innovation and value creation
Managing KIOs across cultures and the role of cultural differences
International business, knowledge and Human resource management
KIS in emerging markets
Globally distributed work
Risks and opportunities in automation and offshoring of knowledge intensive work
Cross-cultural cultural industries
Maintaining and enhancing organisational reputation in global KIOs
Entrepreneurship and innovation management in global KIOs
Entrepreneurship, Creativity and Innovation in Knowledge environments
Talent, creativity, innovation, tacit knowledge as sources of competitive advantage
Knowledge Cities
Entrepreneurship and innovation management in global KIOs
Managing knowledge corruption
Giving perennial inspiration and recognition to creative staff not seeking or not eligible for promotion
The tension between cultural and economic value
HRM Challenges in professional knowledge intensive industries
New theories of both motivation and leadership as they apply to knowledge-intensive organisational environments
Leadership style differences among types of KIS (e.g. think tanks, ICT pioneers, traditional professional practices)
Culture in the organisation, e.g. in banking
The impact of the asymmetric provider – buyer relationship in knowledge transfer
Models for how public administrations, the Civil Service can be more flexible, focused on outcomes and results rather than process
Models for creative industries, financial services, professional knowledge firms
The master craftsman - apprentice relationship as an analogy for relationships in KIS
Measurement and objectivity of performance assessment for KIS workers, e.g. linked to tacit knowledge and intangibility
The autonomy of KI workers vs organisational deliverables
Challenges for ensuring continuing development and updating of established knowledge workers in KI organisations
Developing, cultivating and maintaining fundamental qualifications and “expert”ise
Career management in KI organisations and services
Succession planning in KIOs
Management processes in KI organisations
Models for how public administrations, the Civil Service can be more flexible, focused on outcomes and results rather than process
Models for creative industries, financial services, professional knowledge firms
Managing knowledge-based processes in KIS when these are distributed
Managing in the context of automation of previously knowledge-intensive tasks and deskilling of prestige roles
Managing knowledge corruption
Managing intergenerational differences in knowledge including tacit knowledge
meaningful work in the multi-generational knowledge intensive organisation
‘Herding Cats’: organizing people in KI organisations
The organisational form of KIS structures and the effects on leadership or management.
The master craftsman - apprentice relationship as an analogy for relationships in KI organisations
Are cultural industries different from other KIOs?
Measurement and objectivity of performance assessment for KIS workers, e.g. linked to tacit knowledge and intangibility
The autonomy of KI workers vs organisational deliverables
Supervising and intelligent monitoring functions in KIOs
Organisational impact of recruiting and advancing “star performers” in KIOs
Organisational impact of “recruit rather than develop” strategies in KIOs
Giving perennial inspiration and recognition to creative staff not seeking or not eligible for promotion
Education for knowledge intensive functions, and challenges for management development in KIOs
Challenges for ensuring continuing development and updating of established knowledge workers in KI organisations
Developing, cultivating and maintaining fundamental qualifications and “expert”ise
Career management in KIOs
AIRC4 offers dialogue among colleagues and timely feedback and peer review on your papers before the submission deadlines for the individual
Journal Special Issues, submission deadlines for which will be in November and December 2015. See individual CfPs.
We welcome the submission of original full papers, advanced work in progress, policy papers, or case studies, as
well as research or practice based proposals for specially themed sessions or for panels on the conference theme.
Deadlines and review process
Deadline for the submission of full policy papers, advanced
work in progress, 10th April 2015
Decision on acceptance for the conference 1st May 2015
Deadline Early Bird fee: payment to be received by 21st May 2015
Deadline submission revised papers for
Conference Proceedings 1st June 2015
Deadline for submission for Journal SIs [see SI websites] 1 Nov, 15 Nov, 1 Dec 2015
All manuscripts will be double-blind reviewed.
Papers are submitted with the understanding
that they are original, unpublished works
that they are not being submitted elsewhere and
that [one of] the author[s] will attend the conference and present the paper
For submission details please see
Submissions should be made as email attachment (Word).
Submission details can be accessed at
follow the link ‘submissions’ and clearly indicate that your submission is for AIRC4.
Manuscripts should follow Harvard the style guidelines
First page: manuscript title and name of author[s], institutional affiliation, and contact information for each of the authors.
Second page: manuscript title and brief (100 word maximum) biography of each of the authors.
Third page: manuscript title and brief (250 word maximum) abstract of the paper.
Fourth page and following: manuscript title followed by the text of paper.
Third, fourth, and pages following should have no reference to, or name(s) of, the author(s) of the paper.
The paper is
between 4000 and 5000 words in length
Please submit to
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Conference Details
For conference details and registration please see our website
The conference will feature an Opening Panel of Experts, Keynote Speakers, and interactive presentation sessions
and dialogue between academics and practitioners.
AIRC4: 4th Ashridge International Research Conference
12-14 June 2015, Ashridge Business School, Berkhamsted (by London), UK
An intimate multidisciplinary international conference linking select academics and professionals in a beautiful country mansion setting
Carla Millar
Prof. Carla C.J.M. Millar PhD
Chair AIRC4 on Knowledge Intensive Institutions
AIRC4 Chairs et al. will Guest Edit Special Issues of:
The International Journal of Human Resource Management
Focus: leadership, international HRM and organisational
challenges in KIS
The Journal of Knowledge Management
leading and managing KIS through formal knowledge strategies
The Journal of Academic Ethics
values, processes, functions and governance in KIS
The Journal of Public Affairs
Focus: Value creation and innovation in KIS,
and have a partnership agreement with the
Creativity and Innovation Management journal
to recommend relevant AIRC4 papers for fast track publication in CIM.
Fellow, Ashridge Business School, Berkhamsted, Herts HP4 1NS, UK,
0044 1442 84 1175, 0044 20 7402 4700,
Professor, International Marketing & Management, University of Twente, School of Management & Governance.
PO Box 217, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands, 0031 53 489 5355, 0031 33 462 7343;
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