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Tatiana Kostova, Ph.D.

Buck Mickel Chair and Professor of International Business

Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina

1014 Greene Street, Columbia, SC 29208

Tel. (803) 777-3553, E-mail: [log in to unmask]



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Join us for the Moore School's 27th Annual Faculty Development in International Business program. The nation’s leading and most comprehensive program for faculty teaching international business. 

Choose from five concurrent seminars, taught by leaders in international business education:

  • Survey of International Business – Dr. Andrew Spicer
  • International Management – Dr. Tatiana Kostova
  • International Marketing and Negotiations – Dr. Nancy Buchan and Dr. Hildy Teegen
  • International Financial Management – Dr. Chuck Kwok and Dr. Omrane Guedhami
  • Global Supply Chain and Operations Management – Dr. Manoj Malhotra and Dr. Jayanth Jayaram

One-hour bonus sessions on emerging and transition markets:

  • China, Eastern Europe and Latin America

Acquire the knowledge, skills and resources necessary to create and implement a world-class international business curriculum:

  • Complete course outlines, syllabi and lecture notes
  • Textbooks and supporting course materials
  • Case studies, simulations and exercises
  • A support network of other international business faculty
  • Current information and research on emerging markets

Registration Fee: $2,150 USD
15% discount for organizations sending three or more people

APPLY SOON - Limited Number of Scholarships Available

  • $500 CIBER scholarships for faculty and doctoral candidate participants
  • $1,000 CIBER scholarships for Minority Serving Institution (MSI) participants

1014 Greene Street | Columbia, SC 29208 | 800.393.2362 | 803.777.2231 |

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