

Dear colleagues and friends,


The School of Economics and Management from the Catholic University of Portugal (Porto) has the honour to invite you to take part in the 11th Iberian International Business Conference, in Porto, Portugal, which will bring together an active group of IB researchers. The conference will take place on October 2-3, 2015 in Porto (Portugal).


The main theme of the 2015 IIBC will be “Iberian Diaspora and internationalization processes”. Participants will find opportunities for presenting their latest research findings, brainstorm new research ideas and networking in the welcoming atmosphere of Porto in the early Fall.


Please, find attached find the first announcement and the call for papers. Submission opens 1st May.


For more information please visit


Please reserve your time to visit us next Autumn and do not forget to inform your colleagues about our conference.


For any additional enquiries and clarifications, feel free to contact us at: [log in to unmask] 


Best regards,



Susana Costa e Silva (PhD)
[log in to unmask]
T. +351 226 196 200 ext: 417

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Universidade Católica Portuguesa · Rua Diogo Botelho, 1327 · 4169-005 PORTO | PORTUGAL



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