

Dear AIB members, 

The 2015 SEE/WAIB Award Committee now invites applications – Details below. 



The 2015 SSE/WAIB Award

for Increased Gender Awareness in International Business Research


Information & Submission Form

Submission Deadline:  April 10th, 2015


The Stockholm School of Economics (SSE), Sweden, supports WAIB’s (Women in AIB) endeavors by endowing an award for the best paper that increases gender awareness in international business research. To be eligible for the award, papers must be accepted for presentation at the 2015 AIB annual meeting.  In addition, the winner and the runner- ups for the award must present the paper.  Please refer to the AIB website for conference information


·    The winning paper is announced at the WAIB business meeting scheduled in AIB’s conference program and

permanent recognition is given on the SSE and WAIB websites.

·    The author/s of the winning paper will receive a cash award of US$ 1,000.

·    Emerald Publishing and their Journal Gender in Management are pleased to partner with this award and may offer to publish the winning paper in the journal, subject to review and if the paper has not been published elsewhere.


To apply, please fill in this form (also retrievable on ) and attach to the submission e-mail to U. Zander, Stockholm School of Economics (e-mail as below) along with:

1) a file containing your paper and 

2) a file containing your submission statement


Title of Paper: ___________________________________________________________________________






To be eligible for the award, papers must be accepted for presentation at the AIB annual meeting.

Please list the conference track below:

Accepted Track at AIB 2015: _______________________________________________________



Please indicate the type of session:

____ Competitive       ____ Interactive          ____ Panel     


____ Yes, I have attached a file containing a copy of the paper

____ Yes, I have attached a file containing the statement outlining how the paper contributes to increasing gender awareness (maximum 2 pages)



Increasing gender awareness in international business research can take on many forms including, but not limited to, the following:



Submit the completed form and attached files via e-mail to:

Udo Zander, Chair

Ragnar Söderberg Professor of Business Administration

Stockholm School of Economics

Box 6501, 113 83 Stockholm, Sweden

E-mail: [log in to unmask]


The SSE/WAIB award selection committee reviews papers and statements, chooses the winner and the first runner-up. Finalists for the award will be listed on the WAIB website.




Best regards,


Gabriele Suder 

WAIB President 2013-2015

Dr Gabriele Suder

Director, International Relations - The University of Melbourne

Pr. Fellow  Melbourne Business School – Latest Publication 


Peter McPhee Center

272 Faraday Street, Building 344

Parkville, VIC 30110

T: +61 3 8344 0858

M: +61 4 02969007


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