LAST CALL!  You are invited and please share.

César E. Chávez Commemorative Celebration  (Friday, March 27, 2015)   --->   Still time to register but act fast...registration closes tomorrow and spots are going fast!

·         Community Leadership Luncheon & Student Leadership Conference

o   Awesome Featured Speakers (Mayor Nathan Triplett, East Lansing  ---  Mayor Virg Bernero, Lansing  ---  Marcelina Trevińo-Savala, Michigan Department of Civil Rights)

o   Empowering Workshops

o   Community Building & Networking

o   Events are FREE and open to the public (online pre-registration is required and closes Wednesday, March 25th @ 11:30 pm).

o   Student Leadership Conference is open to all students (community college/undergraduate, graduate/professional, and high school students (with parent permission).

·         Commemorative March for Voting, Civil, & Human Rights  + other community wide events (Film Screening, Blood Drives,  & much more…)


Direct Registration Link:

More information including flyers/details for individual & other community wide events can be accessed via the following web link:


Requests for accommodations and general questions can be directed to:  [log in to unmask] or 517-353-3922

Who is César E. Chávez? (Video)


(Click on flyer below for PDF link)

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Ignacio G. Andrade III

B.S. Mechanical Engineering

Community Outreach Coordinator & Student Liaison

Office for Inclusion & Intercultural Initiatives, Michigan State University

[log in to unmask]  /  517-353-3129 Direct  / 517-353-3922 Main    /   /

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 Project 60/50 is a conversation. We are talking about civil rights and human rights – yesterday, today, tomorrow.