

Thomson Reuters announced via a letter to Wiley-Blackwell Publishing on January 30, 2105, that Global Strategy Journal would be covered by Thomson Reuters products and services to include being indexed and abstracted in:

            - Social Sciences Citation Index

            - Journal Citation Reports / Social Sciences Edition

            - Current Contents/ Social and Behavioral Sciences


This announcements covers all issues beginning with Vol. 1, Issue 1-2, 2011.  Given the timing of the announcement, we expect that GSJ will appear in the SSCI in 2015, but will not be included in the JCR until 2016. However, any prospective authors can now rest easy that their work will appear in a ‘recognized’ journal. We encourage you to submit your papers on relevant topics to GSJ and also to ensure that your school in informed of this new status for GSJ.


Many thanks to our past contributors for their confidence and welcome to any new authors.


Steve Tallman

Torben Pedersen

Co-Editors, Global Strategy Journal

Send queries to:
Stephen Tallman
Co-Editor, Global Strategy Journal
E. Claiborne Robins Distinguished Professor of Business
Robins School of Business
University of Richmond
28 Westhampton Way
Richmond, VA, USA 23173
t: +1 804 287 6589
m: +1 804 240 0236
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