American Society for Competitiveness (ASC)
The 26th Annual Conference of the American Society will be held on October 22-24, 2015 in Washington D.C. Area.
The theme of the conference is Competitiveness: The Next Decade. The sub-themes include: Strategic Intent & Initiatives, Sustainability, Global Manufacturing and Competitiveness, Managing Intellectual Property, Geopolitics & Geostrategies, Healthcare, and Competing in Dynamic Global Industries.
The Conference invites conceptual papers, empirical studies, case studies, proposals, and panel discussions pertaining to both traditional and contemporary themes related to competitiveness. The deadline for receiving submission is:
JUNE 15, 2015
Please send your contribution to:
F. Robert Buchanan, Ph.D.
Academic Program Chair
American Society for Competitiveness
664 Pratt Drive, Indiana, PA 15705
Phone: 724-541-6233