Science-Based Entrepreneurship Workshop University of Bologna Business School, Italy - 7-8 May 2015 Call for abstracts BACKGROUND: The purpose of the workshop is to advance theoretical development and empirical analysis in Science-Based Entrepreneurship (SBE) studies. SBE provides an intriguing context for studying and theorizing about many phenomena of general interest to management and entrepreneurship scholars. To date, research on SBE has been mostly phenomenon driven. Although this research has led to many important insights, we see an untapped potential in using SBE for developing broader management theory. PURPOSE: We aim to bring together top scholars doing research on SBE for a one-day-and-a-half research-intensive workshop. We are looking for up to eight papers, to be presented in a friendly and stimulating environment. VENUE: The SBE workshop will be held on May 7-8, 2015 at the University of Bologna Business School ( ORGANIZERS: Riccardo Fini (Bologna), Rosa Grimaldi (Bologna), Einar Rasmussen (Bode), Johan Wiklund (Syracuse) and Mike Wright (Imperial College London). INVITED SPEAKERS (CONFIRMED): Thomas Astebro (HEC Paris), Frederic Delmar (Lund), Mirjam Knockaert (Ghent) and Holger Patzelt (TUMunich) ROUND TABLE FOR EXPLORING COLLABORATIONS ON RESEARCH PROJECT: during the workshop a round table will be organized to discuss potential for research collaborations on EU projects. Detailed information will be gathered by the organizers and shared with participants relating to calls in line with the topic of the workshop. SPONSOR: The workshop is organized with the support of the FARB project, financed by the University of Bologna, and the Marie Curie TASTE project (, financed by the European Community. SUBMISSION PROCEDURE GUIDELINES: - An extended abstract shall be sent to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> no later than March 15, 2015. - The extended abstract (five-pages, single-spaced, including tables, figures and references) should include the title of the paper, the name(s), affiliation(s) and academic position(s) of the author(s), and the full address of the corresponding author. - In the e-mail subject, please specify "CALL FOR PAPER - SBE WORKSHOP". PAPER SELECTION CRITERIA: Both theoretical and empirical papers will be accepted. In this latter case, the organizing committee will give preference to papers that clearly explain the methods used to collect and analyse the data, clearly state sources of data and the current stage of data collection and analysis. The selection criteria include: the fit with the workshop topic and the scientific excellence of the research. Authors of accepted papers will be informed by March 31, 2015. No comments will be provided. CONFERENCE FEES, LODGING AND MEALS: - The organizers will cover the local costs for the presenters of the accepted papers (i.e., a room for two nights, meals and transportation in Bologna). - There are no conference fees, however participants are required to register and confirm participation by April 15, 2015. - A welcoming dinner will be hosted on Wednesday May 6, 2015. IMPORTANT DATES: Opening Call: February 5, 2015 Deadline for submission of abstracts: March 15, 2015 Communication of paper acceptance: March 31, 2015 Registration opening: April 1, 2015 End of registration: Aprl 15, 2015 Final programme: May 1, 2015 Workshop welcoming dinner: May 6, 2015 Workshop paper presentation: May 7/8, 2015 Workshop closing lunch: May 8, 2015 FURTHER INFORMATION: For further info, including selected topics, please check the website For specific inquires please contact [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> We look forward to welcoming you in Bologna. The Organizing Committee Riccardo Fini, Rosa Grimaldi, Einar Rasmussen, Johan Wiklund and Mike Wright ------------------------------------------------ Riccardo Fini, Associate Professor Entrepreneurship and Technology Innovation Management CIEG - Department of Management School of Engineering and Architecture University of Bologna, Italy Via Terracini 28, 40131, Bologna Tel: +39 051 2090210 Web: Research: Linkedin: