Dear AIB Moderator, I would be very grateful if you could please distribute the Call for Papers below to the AIB List. Thank you. Professor Gabriel Ogunmokun EXTENSION OF CALL FOR PAPERS TO 31st MARCH 2015 - Due to Popular Request World Academy of Researchers, Educators and Scholars in Business, Social Sciences, Humanities and Education Congress In association with the Academy of World Finance, Banking, Management and IT Congress in Bangkok, Thailand, 21-24 July 2015 Win a free iPad, eReader, etc Hosted by Sripatum University, Bangkok, Thailand THEME: Theory, Practice and Research for Improving Organizational Efficiency, Effectiveness and Performance The ever-increasing challenges in this time of global environmental uncertainty and slow economic growth in local and international environments are dramatically altering the landscape of organizations thus calling for relevant theories, principles and contemporary practices for improving organizational efficiency, effectiveness and performance. This means that organizations must constantly remain innovative and take an integrative view that emphasizes the inter-relatedness and inter-dependency of various organizational functions and interdisciplinary perspectives. This multidisciplinary congress calls for papers from different disciplines because knowledge learned in one context may become a knowledge base in other contexts that could be vital for future technological development and the advancement of knowledge. This is an excellent opportunity to network and share current knowledge. If you are a researcher, educator, practitioner, or scholar in any of the following Track Areas, this Congress is for you! TRACK AREAS: Track 1 Business (Local and International Business) Track 2 Finance, Banking and Accounting Track 3 Social Sciences Track 4 Humanities Track 5 Education Track 6 Information Technology Track 7 Marketing Track 8 Management Track 9 Public Administration and Social Policy Track 10 Human Resource Management Track 11 Doctoral Research Session Track 12 Digital Analytics Track 13 Retailing Track 14 Women in Leadership and Management Track 15 Global Leadership Track 16 Spirituality in Organizations TYPES OF PAPERS FOR SUBMISSIONS: Your submission can be in any of the following four categories. . An abstract only paper must be between 100-150 words; or . A proposal/work in progress paper to be no longer than 5 pages; or . A competitive full paper to be no longer than 15 pages; or . A literature review paper to be no longer than 15 pages but needs to provide theoretical insights based on reviews of relevant literature. CALL FOR TRACK CHAIRS: To be considered to serve as a track chair please email Executive Congress Director and Program Chair, Professor Gabriel Ogunmokun - <mailto:[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask] All track chairs must attend the Congress. PRIZES AND AWARD: Congress participants have a chance to win a free iPad, eReader, etc through random drawing of names. There is also a "Best Paper" Award. Best competitive papers at the Congress will also be considered for possible publication in any of these refereed journals: * Journal of Management and World Business Research ISSN1449-3179 * Journal of International Marketing and Exporting ISSN 1324-5864 * International Journal of Business, Social Sciences, Humanities and Education ISSN 2201-3105 - New double-blind, peer refereed journal * International Journal of Business and Marketing (ISSN 1448-9848) - New double-blind, peer refereed journal Please email all papers to Professor Gabriel Ogunmokun (Program Chair and Executive Congress Director) <mailto:[log in to unmask]> [log in to unmask] who will forward them to appropriate reviewers/track Chairs. WHO CAN ATTEND? PRESENTERS: People can attend the Congress if they have submitted a paper which has been blind reviewed and accepted and if they have paid the registration fee. The registration fee covers the Welcome Cocktail Party, Congress Proceedings, all Congress sessions, morning and afternoon coffee/tea breaks plus two working lunches, and the Congress Dinner. Each presenter will receive a Certificate of Participation and will automatically become a member of the Academy of World Finance, Banking, Management and Information Technology (in association with the World Academy of Researchers, Educators and Scholars in Business, Social sciences, Humanities and Education) for a stipulated time. All papers submitted to AWFBMIT and to WARES have to be double-blind peer reviewed before a decision can be made to accept, reject or to modify the paper. NON-PRESENTERS: People can also attend the Congress as an observer to listen to the presentations of papers without presenting a paper of their own, if they have paid the registration fee. The registration fee covers the Welcome Cocktail Party, Congress Proceedings, all Congress sessions, morning and afternoon coffee/tea breaks plus two working lunches, and the Congress Dinner. Each non-presenter will receive a Certificate of Attendance and can become an associate member of the Academy of World Finance, Banking, Management and Information Technology (in association with the World Academy of Researchers, Educators and Scholars in Business, Social sciences, Humanities and Education) for a stipulated time. For more information visit <> <> ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.