

Please share this exciting call for papers:

Workshop on location decisions of multinational enterprises: markets, cities or clusters?

Call for papers

We are delighted to invite papers for presentation at the forthcoming workshop “Location decisions of multinational enterprises: markets, cities, or clusters?” in Copenhagen. It will take place at the beautiful and historic complex of Fæstningens Materialgård (the Fortifications Depot) in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark from May 11th to May 12th 2015.

The workshop “Location decisions of multinational enterprises: markets, cities, or clusters?” is organized by the Department of Strategic Management and Globalization at Copenhagen Business School and the Kraks Fond – Institute for Urban Economic Research.

To apply for participation, please submit a 5- to 7-page abstract to Professors Bo Bernhard Nielsen, [log in to unmask], and Professor Christian Geisler Asmussen, [log in to unmask], on or before February 20, 2015.


Important dates

February 20: Deadline for submission of abstract
March 1: Notification of acceptance to present at the workshop
March 11: Deadline to confirm attendance as presenter
April 10: Deadline to sign up as (non-presenting) attendee
May 11-12: Workshop held in Copenhagen

Keynote speakers

Anthony Venables, Professor of Economics (University of Oxford)

Saskia Sassen, Professor of Sociology (Columbia University)

Sjoerd Beugelsdijk, Professor of International Business (University of Groningen)

Full information can be found on the workshop website:
Bo Bernhard Nielsen, PhD
Professor in Business Strategy
University of Sydney
Email: [log in to unmask] &
Professor in Strategic Management
Department of Strategic Management & Globalization
Copenhagen Business School
Email: [log in to unmask]
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