=================================================== JIBS COLLECTION: THE ECLECTIC PARADIGM =================================================== We are pleased to share a new collection of articles from the JIBS archive, concerning The Eclectic Paradigm. > Start reading: http://bit.ly/JIBS-TEP The articles in this Collection are available free-to-read for a limited time. We hope you will also share them with colleagues who may be interested! 'A major aim of this JIBS Collection is to enable scholars coming to the International Business (IB) field from a cognate discipline, perhaps for the first time, to be able to connect their own way of thinking about IB issues to a framework for IB analysis that is already established in our field. It is also hoped that the Collection will help to remind mainstream IB scholars of how the framework of the eclectic paradigm has emerged and developed, and of the contribution that JIBS has played in this development. As is well known among IB scholars, the eclectic paradigm was first incarnated as the eclectic theory (by John Dunning in 1977), but rather quickly metamorphosed into a paradigm, or a meta-framework for the conduct of IB analysis and IB concept or theory building.' Read the full Collection Introduction from JIBS Editor-in-Chief John Cantwell: http://bit.ly/JIBS-TEPIntro =================================================== DON'T MISS THE LATEST ISSUE FROM JIBS! =================================================== The December issue is available to read online: http://bit.ly/1HViY0G Login for your AIB member access here: http://bit.ly/JIBS_AIBlogin =================================================== Stay up-to-date on news from JIBS: =================================================== * Visit the journal website: http://www.jibs.net<http://www.jibs.net/> * Sign up for free table of contents e-alerts: http://bit.ly/JIBSe-alert * Follow @JIBSupdates on Twitter: http://bit.ly/JIBSupdates * 'Like' JIBS on Facebook: http://bit.ly/JIBS_FB ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Visit the Palgrave Macmillan AIB member site<http://www.palgrave.com/page/aib/?WT.mc_ID=EMX_JIBS_1412_JIBSAIB_PORTFOLIO> to order Palgrave books in Business & Management at a special 40% discount. ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.