Only a few spots left for 2015.


If you're teaching International Business or Marketing, Cross-Cultural Management, or related courses and want to add an experiential component to your course, the X-Culture is accepting applications for 2015-1 semester (Jan-Mar and Mar-Apr tracks).


X-Culture is a partnership among IB professors from around the world.

We add the experiential component to our courses by teaming up our students for a semester.

Over 3,000 MBA/EMBA/Undergraduate students from 100 universities in 40 on 6 continents participate in X-Culture in a given semester.

The students are put in Global Virtual Teams of about 7 (each from a different country) and the teams work for a semester on real-life IB challenges presented by real-life companies, thereby experiencing first-hand the challenges and learning best practices of international teamwork.


Here is how it works:  

Here is why you as a professor want to add it to your course:  

More about X-Culture:


AIB Insights:


The application process is competitive. We try to limit it to 100 instructors/universities in a given semester. Instructors teaching outside the U.S. (over-representation) and research-active academics are especially encouraged to apply.



- Undergraduate

- MBA and other Master’s




- 2015-1a (Early): Jan 20 - Mar 15, apply by Jan 15 (only 2 spots left)

- 2015-2b (Late): Mar 1 - Apr 25, apply by Feb 20


To apply:


Dr. Vas Taras

X-Culture Project Coordinator


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