

This is a friendly invitation about the 11th annual FAMILY ENTERPRISE RESEARCH CONFERENCE (FERC) in BURLINGTON, VT on June 4-7, 2015
Theme: The Sustainable Family and Enterprise

Due date for submission of five-page ABSTRACTS: January 31, 2015. Submissions will be accepted in English, Spanish, and PortugueseOver $25,000 in awards.

Three Special Issues:

·         Organization and Natural Environment: Sustainability & Family Business DUE DATE: July 1, 2015

·         Journal of Managerial Issues: Strategic Issues in the Family Firm. DUE DATE: July 31, 2015

·         Academia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion (ARLA) Special Issue on Family Business  DUE DATE: July 1, 2015

NEW THIS YEAR: CAREER ACADEMY. Due date for applications: February 15, 2015
Program is designed to address dilemmas and questions at all levels of an academic’s life – from a doctoral student to a chaired professor, editor, or senior administrator.

Over 75 scholars from 24 countries have volunteered to review abstracts for the conference!

Check out our website for conference program, keynote speakers (Stuart Hart, University of Vermont and Cornell University, and David Reeb, National University of Singapore), list of confirmed attendees, Gala awards dinner cruise on Saturday night aboard Spirit of Ethan Allen, post-conference activities, and much more.


For more information, please contact the organizing committee.
Academic Program Chairs: Alexandra Dawson, Concordia University ([log in to unmask]) and Manisha Singal, Virginia Tech ([log in to unmask]);
Spanish/Portuguese Submissions: Claudio Muller, Universidad de Chile, Chile ([log in to unmask]);
Career Academy Chair: Rebecca Long, Mississippi State University ([log in to unmask])

Host Team at University of Vermont:
Pramodita Sharma ([log in to unmask]),
Rocki-Lee DeWitt ([log in to unmask]),
Linda Kruger ([log in to unmask])



Claudio G. Müller

Adjunct Professor

School of Economics and Business

University of Chile

Diagonal Paraguay # 257, Suite 1901. Santiago CP 8330015

Tel:  +56 (2) 2 977 2059 | Fax: +56 (2) 2 635-1679

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