

Dear Colleagues,

As a tangible tribute to the life and work of our deceased colleague Alan Rugman,  Emerald Publishing has decided to make  the last issue of Multinational Business Review FREE to access for a limited period.  Alan acted as Editor-in-Chief for MBR until his untimely demise.  The issue contains Alan's last Editorial and five papers on new theory in International business (see weblink below) by a number of prominent authors.


The Multinational Business Review

Volume 22 - Issue 3 - 2014

Table of Contents


Letter from the Editor (Alan Rugman): Special issue on advances in IB theory


The economic theory of the firm as a foundation for international business theory

Mark Casson


Forty years of internalisation theory and the multinational enterprise

Peter J. Buckley


Internalization theory, entrepreneurship and international new ventures

Alain Verbeke, M. Amin Zargarzadeh and Oleksiy Osiyevskyy


A longitudinal study of MNE innovation: The case of Goodyear

Vittoria Giada Scalera, Debmalya Mukherjee, Alessandra Perri and Ram Mudambi


Corporate strategic responses to foreign entry: insights from prospect theory

Thomas Hutzschenreuter, Ingo Kleindienst, Florian Grone and Alain Verbeke


Note that there will also be a special issue of Mutinational Business Review based on papers presented at the Reading-UNCTAD Conference (13-14 June 2015). Submission deadline is 1 February 2015. for details see:

Rajneesh Narula
Editor, Multinational Business Review
Director, John H. Dunning Centre for International Business
Henley Business School
University of Reading, UK



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