

        Dear Colleagues,

The Network for Business Sustainability South Africa (NBS-SA), an affiliate of the Network for Business Sustainability (NBS), is pleased to invite proposals for two research studies to be completed in 2015. These projects are valued at 280,000 ZAR or ~ $25,000 each and are aimed at engaged scholars seeking to influence sustainability management practice through rigorous and action-oriented research, in the South African context.

The two research questions are:1) How are innovative business models creating shared value? (see details here<>)and 2) Why do some CEOs make the shift toward incorporating sustainability into strategy (and what holds others back)? (see details here<>).  Proposals are invited on or before January 7, 2015.

These projects were identified in NBS-SA's recent annual Leadership Council meeting, attended by senior representatives of South Africa's most prominent businesses.  NBS-SA works with the Leadership Council to prioritise the most pressing sustainability challenges facing the country, and with scholars to translate these challenges into opportunities for research.  The synthesis of this effort is reflected in our recently completed Pathways to Change report, available here<file:///\\localhost\(http\>.

We believe that these challenges also represent critical and timely opportunities for researchers to contribute to their resolution through dedicated research and guidance to managers.  We offer the 2014 Challenges and Opportunities Report as an input to an increasingly global and instructive conversation between researchers and practitioners, and an invitation to you to join.  For more information about NBS news and resources and to become part of the network, please visit our website<>.

Should you have any questions or comments about the Calls for Proposals or Challenges and Opportunities report, please feel free to contact me at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. Your assistance in circulating this through your networks is greatly appreciated.

We look forward to hearing from you.

With Regards,

Kristy Faccer
Knowledge Director
Network for Business Sustainability South Africa (NBS-SA)

Web |<>
Email | [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>
Main Tel | +27 11 771 4000
Direct Tel  | +27 11 771 4730
Skype | kfaccer

Subscribe to NBS! Join more than 5,000 leaders who receive free sustainability research, articles and practical tools.<>

Nicola Ehrlich
IMP Coordinator: CBAR
Gordon Institute of Business Science
Main Tel: +27 11 771 4000
Direct Tel:  +27 11 771 4235
E-mail: [log in to unmask]

Founded in 2000, the University of Pretoria's Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) is an internationally accredited business school, based in Johannesburg, South Africa's economic hub. As the business school for business, we focus on general management in dynamic markets to significantly improve individual and organisational performance, primarily in the South African environment, through the provision of high quality business and management education. In May 2014 the annual UK Financial Times Executive Education rankings, a global benchmark for providers of executive education, once again ranked GIBS as the top South African and African business school. This is the eleventh year running that GIBS has been ranked among the top business schools worldwide. In October 2013 the GIBS

MBA was ranked among the top 100 business schools globally in the prestigious Financial Times Executive MBA Rankings. Ranked in 70th position, GIBS is the only business school in Africa to appear in this ranking.



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