All, I am forwarding the following message on behalf of our doctoral coordinator, Ron Humphrey. Please forward to any qualified students you know. Many thanks! Mike McDaniel ------- Colleagues: I am writing to let you know that the doctoral program in management at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia is recruiting students for the 2015-2016 academic year. If you have qualified students, either undergraduate or with a master’s degree, who are considering pursuing a doctoral degree in areas such as Management, Entrepreneurship, Industrial-Organizational Psychology, or Social Psychology, I ask that you let them know about the opportunities in the School of Business at VCU. We will consider highly qualified students who come from areas outside of business. VCU offers a Ph.D. in Business through the Department of Management. Our concentration areas in management reflect two complimentary and overlapping tracks: organizational behavior and human resource management. Course work for doctoral students represents a balance of organizational behavior and human resource management topics including attitudes and motivation, emotions, teams, leadership, organizational culture, organizational staffing, compensation, performance management, meta-analysis, strategic human resource management, and corporate strategy. Doctoral students also receive extensive training in research methods and statistics. Faculty research interests reflect a similar balance between OB and HR topics. Faculty publications have appeared in *Academy of Management Journal*, *Academy of Management Review*, *Journal of Applied Psychology*, *Journal of Organizational Behavior*, *Journal of Management*, *The Leadership Quarterly*, *Organizational Research Methods*, *Personnel Psychology*, and *Strategic Management Journal*, among others. Close faculty-student involvement on research projects is a hallmark of our program. Current participating faculty are Frank Bosco, Susan Coombes, Joseph Coombs, Blakley Davis (starting fall 2015), Allison Gabriel, Ronald Humphrey, Sven Kepes, Michael McDaniel, Doug Pugh, and Christopher Reina (starting fall 2015). An additional faculty member will also be joining our program in fall 2015. Our program is designed for students who intend to take positions in academic schools of business. Graduates from our program have taken positions at in business schools at institutions including the University of Iowa, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Rutgers University, East Carolina University, College of William and Mary, Longwood University, Towson University, University of Richmond, North Carolina State University, University of West Florida, and Imperial College London. In addition to close research supervision and independent research, students are mentored in teaching and advanced students will teach classes in the areas of organizational behavior and human resource management. Financial aid including tuition waivers and stipends are available for qualified students for up to four years. VCU is located in Richmond, Virginia, which has been ranked as one of the best places to live in America. Richmond features a good cost of living, numerous cultural activities, and excellent local schools. For more information, see: Complete details on the program, including application instructions, can be found at Applicants must submit scores from the GRE or GMAT. Additional information can be found on the website. The application deadline is February 1. If you have questions about the program please contact Ronald Humphrey, doctoral coordinator, at [log in to unmask] or (804) 828-3173. Sincerely, Ronald Humphrey -- Michael A. McDaniel, Ph.D., Professor, Department of Management, Virginia Commonwealth University 301 West Main Street, PO Box 844000, Richmond, VA 23284-4000 voice: 804.827.0209 e-mail: [log in to unmask] Research Professor, VCU Department of Psychology President-Elect International Society of Intelligence Research <> ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.