Please circulate this Paper Development Workshop (attached) to all AIB List. Nepalese Academy of Management (NAM) in association with Strategic Management Society (SMS) Organizes Paper Development Workshop to Faculties and Researchers At Kathmandu, Nepal 21st - 24th May, 2015 Nepalese Academy of Management in association with the StrategicManagement Society (USA) is providing opportunities for Paper developmentworkshop to faculties and research scholars. The objective of this program is to strengthenacademicians and research scholars providing in-depth knowledge on research andinternationally publication. Many scholars who are visiting hope this leads tolong term efforts to help you improve your research. Thisworkshop is designed to meet and interact with a panel of internationallyrecognized professors and outstanding researchers in the area of most ofaspects of Management. A panel of international experts will lively interact inthe workshop with the participants (see the short bio of internationalexperts). In this program, approximately 24 research scholars will be selectedto participate with their developed research paper or work in progress researchpaper. Doctoral students, research scholars, faculties can submit their papersfor participation. The preference area of paper but not limited to:Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, International Business,Small Business Management, Technology and Innovation Management, StrategicIntegration and Performance, Business Dynamics, Human Capital, Corporate SocialResponsibility, KnowledgeManagement, Foreign Direct Investment, FreeTrade Area and Regional Integration, Poverty Alleviation, Micro Credit,Remittance,… and almost all the areas of Management. Applicantsshould send the research paper, fully developed or work in progress, by April 10, 2015.Your file should be named name.doc, where name is your full name and send to: [log in to unmask] For further information, please contact thecoordinator of the PDW workshop: DhrubaKumar Gautam (Ph. D.) AssociateProfessor and Founding Secretary, NepaleseAcademy of Management [log in to unmask] P. O.Box: 12719, Kathmandu, Nepal 009779813 304401 Interact with World Renounced Professors and Researchers Sharon Alvarez is the Walter Koch Endowed Chairin Entrepreneurship at the Daniels College of Business, University ofDenver. She previously served as anAssociate Professor of entrepreneurship and management, and the Academic Directorof the Center for Entrepreneurship at the Max M. Fisher College of Business,The Ohio State University. Professor Alvarez is the Past Chair of theEntrepreneurship Division of the Academy of Management and has been aRepresentative at Large for the SMS Entrepreneurship Interest Group. She was a Max Planck Scholar at the MaxPlanck Institute for Entrepreneurship and Economic Systems Research, a visitingprofessor at Sun-Yet-Sen University in China, and is currently a visitingprofessor at University of Alberta. Her current research includesentrepreneurship theory of opportunities, firm, and market emergence. Professor Alvarez is a Co-editor forStrategic Entrepreneurship Journal and she has published in Academy ofManagement Review, Organization Science, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal,Academy of Management Executive, Journal of Business Venturing, Journal ofManagement, and Human Resource Management Journal. Jay Barney is a Presidential Professor of Strategic Management and PierreLassonde Chair of Social Entrepreneurship at the University of Utah. Hepreviously served as the Professor of Management and held the Chase Chair forExcellence in Corporate Strategy at the Max M. Fisher College of Business, TheOhio State University. His research focuses on the relationship between costly-to-copyfirm skills and capabilities and sustained competitive advantage. He is anassociate editor for the Journal of Management and senior editor for OrganizationScience and has been published in numerous leading publications. Inaddition to his teaching and research, he presents executive training programsthroughout the US and Europe. His consulting work focuses on large-scaleorganizational change and strategic analysis. Jay Barney is an SMS Fellow aswell as a fellow of the Academy of Management. He has received honorarydoctorate degrees from the University of Lund, the Copenhagen Business School,and Universidad PontificiaComillas (Madrid), and has honorary visitingprofessor positions in New Zealand and China. Garry D. Bruton is a professor at Texas Christian University. His research focuses on the intersectionof entrepreneurship, strategy and international business. He haspublished or has forthcoming over 75 academic articles in leading journals suchas the Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal,Journal of Business Venturing, Journalof International Business Studies, Journal of Management Studies, and Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice. In addition, Garry has co-authored three text books –small businessmanagement (McGraw-Hill), technology and innovation management (Cengage), andinternational management (Cengage). In 2005 Professor Bruton was the firstholder of the Hall Chair in Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets offered by theFulbright Foundation. He is pastpresident of the Asia Academy of Management and former editor of the Academy of Management Perspectives. Garryin addition serves on the editorial board of five other academic journals andis associate editor of the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. Dr. Bruton has been selected by Sun Yat Sen University inGuangzhou, China as Honorary Visiting Professor, Nankai University as anHonorary Guest Professor, and previously the co-director of Institute forGlobal Innovation and Chinese Entrepreneurship, Tonji University in Shanghai,China. Farok J. Contractor holdsthe title of ‘Distinguished Professor’ at Rutgers University’s Management andGlobal Business department. His research treats Foreign Direct Investment,Emerging Markets, Offshoring and Outsourcing, as well as the negotiated, inter-firmaspects of business such as Joint Ventures, Alliances and Licensing –particularly focusing on the technology transfer process, financing, andcalculating a price or value for knowledge and intangible assets. He haspublished over one hundred scholarly articles, and nine authored and editedbooks. A Fellow of the Academy of International Business, he has served on theExecutive Boards of the Academy of International Business, Academy ofManagement (International Management Division) and is on the editorial boardsof eight scholarly journals. Previously he was with the Tata Group, amultinational conglomerate based in India. Devi Ram Gnyawali (Ph.D. in strategicmanagement, University of Pittsburgh), is R. B. Pamplin Professor of Managementand Director of Graduate Programs at the Department of Management, PamplinCollege of Business, Virginia Tech (also known as Virginia PolytechnicInstitute and State University). His current research interests focus on topicsthat are at the interface of strategic management and management of technologyand innovation. He is an Associate Editor of Journal of Management andalso serves on the editorial board of Academy of Management Review. Hisresearch has been published in various journals, including Academy ofManagement Review, Academy of Management Journal, Information SystemsResearch, Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, andResearch Policy. Prior to his academic career, he worked as a governmentofficer in Nepal and as an international consultant in various countries,including Singapore, Thailand, Philippines, Germany, and Malawi. Geoff Kistruck is an Associate Professor and RonBinns Chair in Entrepreneurship at the Schulich School of Business, YorkUniversity in Canada. His primary research interests involve socialentrepreneurship and innovation on the part of for-profit and nonprofitorganizations, principally within the context of poverty alleviation efforts inbase-of-the-pyramid markets. Geoff’s research projects are oftenaction-oriented in nature in that they involve the design and field testing oftheoretically-based solutions to current challenges faced by social enterprises. Geoff has published articles in top management journals such as Academy of Management Journal, Journal ofBusiness Venturing, Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice, Journal ofManagement Studies, & the Journalof Management. Prior to entering academe, Geoff served in a number ofmanagerial positions within the venture capital and financial servicesindustry.Will Mitchell studies business dynamics in developed and emerging markets,investigating how businesses change as their competitive environmentschange and, in turn, how the business changes contribute to ongoing corporateand social performance. He teaches courses in business dynamics, emergingmarket strategy, corporate strategy, health sector management,entrepreneurship, and pharmaceutical strategy. Will holds the JohndeButts Professorship of Business Administration at Duke University's FuquaSchool of Business and the Anthony S. Fell Chair in New Technologies andCommercialization at the University of Toronto. Will is a faculty associate ofDuke’s Global Health Initiative and Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation,as well as a faculty associate at Rotman’s Center for Health Sector Strategy.Will is a co-editor of the Strategic Management Journal, co-editor foronline media for the Strategic Management Society journals, and a boardmember of Neuland Laboratories, Ltd. (Hyderabad). Brian C. Pinkhamis an Assistant Professor of International Business at Ivey Business School(Western University). His principal research and teaching interests are in theareas of global strategy, the legal environment of the multinationalenterprise, and entry mode decision making. Brian’s research appears in Academy of Management Perspectives, Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice,Journal of International Business Studies,and Organizational Dynamics. Leadingup to his PhD in International Management Studies at the University of Texas atDallas, Brian received his BA in biophysics from Johns Hopkins University, aJuris Doctor from the University of Maryland, and a LLM from StockholmUniversity. JasjitSingh has been an INSEADprofessor since 2004. His teaching and research interests include BusinessStrategy, Innovation, Emerging Market Strategy, Inclusive Business, SocialImpact, Corporate Social Engagement, Knowledge Management and Diffusion, andEconomic Geography. Jasjit obtained his Ph.D. in Business Economics atHarvard Business School. He also holds an M.A. in Economics fromHarvard, M.S. in Management and Computer Science from Georgia Tech, and B.Tech.inComputer Science & Engineering from IIT Delhi. He also serves as anAssociate Editor for Management Science and an Editorial Review Boardmember for Strategic Management Journal andOrganization Science. He has also taught in custom programmes forgovernment organizations (Abu Dhabi, EDB Singapore, IE Singapore, IndianRailways and WDA Singapore) as well as companies (Adidas, Aditya Birla,Alcatel-Lucent, Alstom, Ascendas, Datacraft, Ernst & Young, Google, HSBC,IBM, KPMG, Lexmark, LG, Orica, PernodRicard, PT Astra, RHB Bank, Siemens,Sonepar, Swire, Syngenta, Thomson Reuters and Toshiba). He has also been a partof social impact initiatives like INSEAD’s “Leading the Business ofSustainability” and “Social Entrepreneurship” programmes, UN Women’s “ProjectInspire” for inclusive business, Aidha’s “Venture Club” for inclusiveentrepreneurship and HUB Singapore’s “Social Entrepreneurship Bootcamp”. Priorto joining academia, Jasjit worked as a management consultant with Accenture.Earlier, he also interned as a computer engineer with Intel, AT&T and CadenceDesign Systems. He is an Indian citizen, and lives in Singapore. Margaret A. White,Ph.D. is the Fleming Cos. Professor of Technology Management at Oklahoma StateUniversity. She has a Ph.D. with a majorin management and a minor in industrial engineering from Texas A&M University. Her M.B.A. and B.S. in mathematics are from SamHouston State University. Professor White is the author/coauthor of over 90articles and papers. Her research has appeared in journals such as Strategic Management Journal, Academy ofManagement Journal, Academy of Management Review, Entrepreneurship: Theory andPractice, and Organizational Studies.She co-authored The Management ofTechnology and Innovation: A Strategic Process Approach with Garry D.Bruton. She has had leadership roles inseveral professional organizations—most recently, leadership as Vice Chair(2014) and Chair (2015) of the Research Methods Initiative of the StrategicManagement Society. Her researchinterests include M&A, processes in developing economies and management oftechnology. Mike Wright is Professor of Entrepreneurshipand Head of the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group at Imperial CollegeBusiness School, Director of the Centre for Management Buyout Research andAssociate Director of the Entrepreneurship Research Centre. Mike has receivedHonorary Doctorates from the Universities of Ghent and Derby and is anAcademician of the Academy of Social Sciences. He has been an editor of Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Management Studies and Journal of Technology Transfer and iscurrently co-editor of Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal. He haspublished over 50 books and more than 400 articles in leading internationaljournals such as Academy of ManagementJournal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Journal ofManagement Studies, Review of Economics and Statistics, Entrepreneurship Theoryand Practice, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of BusinessVenturing, Journal of Management, Research Policy, Organization Studies,etc. His research focuses on academic entrepreneurship, returnee entrepreneurs,habitual entrepreneurs, technology transfer, family firms, venture capital,private equity, emerging economies, and related topics. He has been ranked #1 worldwide for publications in academicentrepreneurship and in entrepreneurship. ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.