2nd AIB-CEE Chapter Seminar

Recognising the changing character of the CEE region: towards an updated agenda of IB research and teaching

January, 9-10th, 2015 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Centre of International Relations, Faculty of Social Sciences; University of Ljubljana


The aim of the 2nd AIB-CEE Chapter Seminar is to encourage a shared perspective of key challenges in international business research and teaching related to the CEE region, to sum up latest regional research, strengthen network and cooperation among IB scholars, researchers and practitioners in CEEC.

Next, we aim to stimulate discussion and planning of the Chapter's strategic activities, including the upcoming 2015 Annual Conference, seminars and joint research proposals.

The seminar will focus in three major topics:

·         Recognising the changing character of the CEE region

·         Mapping and documenting the CEE region in research

·         Challenges of IB teaching in CEE and development of regional case studies 


With pre-planned panel sections and the invited and already confirmed speakers there is still room for presenting some inputs. More details, including call a detailed programme, will be available soon.

Dr. Piotr Trąpczyński
Vice-Chair for Communication, AIB Central Eastern European Chapter
Assistant Professor at the Department of International Competitiveness
MBA Lecturer - Poznan-Atlanta MBA Programme
Poznań University of Economics
al. Niepodległości 10, 61-875 Poznań, Poland
Mobile: +48 608 589 283+48 608 589 283
Phone: +48 61 854 36 12+48 61 854 36 12
Department Secretariat: +48 61 854 33 12+48 61 854 33 12
Fax: +48 61854 36 10
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