

Daniel and AIB-List readers,


Daniel Diermeier of the Kellogg School of Management and Northwestern University and I recently developed what we believe to be a new best-in-class crisis management simulation together with PRENDO based on the frameworks in our recent books and . A brief blurb follows.


Kerovka Stakeholder Crisis Management Simulation


The KEROVKA crisis management simulation provides managers with the experience of actually managing a crisis. Actions includes making crisis action plan decisions; issuing press releases; communicating with stakeholders via email, phone, meetings, and videoconferences; organizing press conferences; and carrying out trust-building actions. Learning activities include an initial mission briefing; team discussions; and guidance by the session facilitator, who uses a sophisticated tracking system to see what teams are doing in real time. The simulation plays out over a period between 80 and 120 minutes in session time with 3-5 participants playing the role of a country manager accused of an environmental spill. The session concludes with a “what happened and why” debrief based on actual simulation results. Learning objectives include


Learning Objectives

•         Develop stakeholder mapping skills

•         Calculating the net present value of stakeholder engagement

•         Building trust with stakeholders

•         Strategic communications

•         Organizational mindset

•         Manage internal team dynamics


To learn more, see and contact Alastair Giffin [log in to unmask] or Guy Giffin [log in to unmask]






Witold (Vit) Jerzy Henisz

Deloitte & Touche Professor of Management in Honor of Russell E. Palmer, former Managing Partner

Doctoral Coordinator, Management Department

The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
3107 Steinberg Hall - Dietrich Hall, 3620 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6370
Phone: (215) 898-0788
Fax: (215) 898-0401
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Want to learn more about Corporate Diplomacy: Building Reputations and Relationships with External Stakeholders?

-          Buy the book from Amazon , Stylus (US) or Greenleaf (Rest of World). Read Advance praise here

-          Explore the portal at Corporate Diplomacy; Join the LinkedIn Group; or follow me on Twitter @whenisz

-          Watch my free Webinar and inquire about an open enrollment or custom offering of Wharton School’s Executive Education Program;

-          See the press coverage at Smarter Business Blog, Wharton@Work, Brunswick Review, Investor Relations Web ReportK@W , TriplePundit, and the PennGazette

-          Read book review at SustainableBrands. See K@W interview here.




-----Original Message-----
From: Dan Laufer [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Thursday, November 06, 2014 11:59 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: [AIB-L] Simulations for Crisis Management Courses


I have been using the following simulation in my Crisis Management courses over the past few years. It has been very effective, but unfortunately Darden has stopped selling the simulation:


Crisis Management Simulation - Organizational Misdeeds: Darden Case: UVA-OB-0790S  - Authors: Erika Hayes James; Gerry Yemen Origin:  Published: 10/6/2003


I would greatly appreciate your suggestions for other Crisis Management simulations. I find simulations to be very useful in my crisis management courses, especially for MBA and EMBA students.  Simulations involving group work and international issues would be of particular interest.




Daniel Laufer PhD, MBA - Associate Professor Head of School School of Marketing and International Business Victoria Business School Level 11, Rutherford House Rm 11.26

23 Lambton Quay

Victoria University of Wellington

P O Box 600, Wellington, 6140 New Zealand

Tel: +64 4 463 5152   Fax: +64 4 463 5231

Email: [log in to unmask]



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