OEFFA's free webinar, "Organic Inputs: Options and Opportunities for Improving Crop Health and Productivity<http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?key=-1&url_num=2&url=https%3A%2F%2Fattendee.gotowebinar.com%2Fregister%2F1279356907400168193>," Thursday, November 20 at 1 p.m. Click here to register<http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?key=-1&url_num=3&url=https%3A%2F%2Fattendee.gotowebinar.com%2Fregister%2F1279356907400168193>. The webinar will review key concepts and principles involved in choosing organically acceptable inputs, like seed, fertilizers, and pesticides. Learn how to make sound and profitable choices for your operation by choosing the right inputs. This session will be presented by Brian McSpadden Gardener, Ph.D. He is a professor in the Department of Plant Pathology at The Ohio State University Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC), where he also directs the Plant Microbial Ecology and Biopesticide Development Lab and Organic Food, Farming, Education, and Research (OFFER) program. There is no cost to attend the webinar, but pre-registration is required. To register, click here<http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?key=-1&url_num=5&url=https%3A%2F%2Fattendee.gotowebinar.com%2Fregister%2F1279356907400168193>. This webinar is part of a series of educational programs offered in collaboration with the Cuyahoga Valley Countryside Conservancy designed to address the business and production aspects of managing successful specialty crop operations. These programs are made possible through a grant from the Ohio Department of Agriculture, the State of Ohio, and the United States Department of Agriculture under the provisions of the Specialty Crop Block Grant. To watch past webinars in the series, click here<http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?key=-1&url_num=6&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oeffa.org%2Fnews%2F%3Fpage_id%3D569>. For more information, call (614) 421-2022 Ext. 209 or email [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association 41 Croswell Rd., Columbus OH 43214 (614) 421-2022 www.oeffa.org<http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?key=-1&url_num=7&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.oeffa.org%2F> First Call for posters for the 2014 Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable, and Farm Market Expo! If you as a farmer, have done any research on your own or with an organization like SARE this is a great way to share the results. The 2014 Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable & Farm Market EXPO (http://www.glexpo.com/) is scheduled for December 9-11 at DeVos Place Convention Center in Grand Rapids. Each year the Expo attracts more than 4000 growers, farm marketers, greenhouse operators, and processors of fruit and vegetable crops from the Great Lakes Region and beyond. The poster session is part of the concurrent educational program hosted by Michigan State University and the Michigan State Horticultural Society. Posters are displayed in a prominent location in the Grand Concourse of the DeVos Convention Center, providing a high visibility area to showcase current research and extension projects relevant to fruit and vegetable producers and marketers in the Great Lakes region. Appropriate content for a poster presentation at the Expo: • Results of extension, demonstration, and research work on fruit and vegetable pest management techniques, pest phenology, production practices, harvesting innovations, marketing tools, and packaging design. • Summaries, from previous articles or scientific publications, transformed into posters or previously presented posters from other scientific and industry meetings (as long as they may be understood by a layman). • Michigan State Horticultural Society Trust Fund project reports. • Updated or revised extension advisories. • Institutional promotional literature. Please note: commercial products, advertising, and reports developed by commercial companies will NOT be allowed as a poster (that is the purpose of the exhibit hall space). Protocol: 1. Send your poster title(s), full authorship, and the name and mail/email addresses of the presenting author** by Monday, DECEMBER 1st to Julianna Wilson<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. 2. Each poster (you may submit more than one) will be allotted a 4 x 4 ft poster area. 3. Pertinent brochures, reprints, or 8.5x11" copies of the poster may accompany posters (please plan to attach a manila envelope to the board under the poster to contain them). 4. Posters MUST BE INSTALLED no later than Tuesday morning by 11:00 AM and left up until 2:00 PM on Thursday. Posters may be removed between 2-4 PM on Thursday. If you are unable to remove your poster at that time, we will be collecting all remaining posters for return to the MSU campus, so you should not remove your poster prematurely even if you cannot be present on Thursday to take it down. All collected posters will be available for pick-up in Room B18, Food Safety and Toxicology Building, MSU campus, after the Expo. An email will be sent out to the presenting author when posters are ready for pick-up on campus. 5. ALL authors should submit a digital version of their poster (in PDF format) so that it may be posted for attendees to access from the Expo website after the meeting. Digital versions are due within one week after the EXPO - send your PDF as an email attachment to Julianna Wilson<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. **The "presenting" author will receive complimentary Expo registration. Authors are NOT required to provide time to stand by their posters, but if you plan to do so, please post the time you will be there to answer questions with your poster. To achieve the greatest impact in this forum: • Keep in mind that people attending the meeting have limited viewing time. • Make your poster colorful with plenty of photos and summary graphs, and less text. • Focus on presenting the highlights of the work or story. Compost Conference Jan 20-23, 2015 Austin Texas To Register Click on this link: https://www.cvent.com/events/compost2015-us-composting-council-s-23rd-annual-conference-tradeshow/registration-41f64479458e4c8aa36a0af08867ff9e.aspx Pre Conference Training<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001C4C9f0eHpUIe4JHf0zFyNmB8TsVTEom8jYMsjP9u8NwQ7PnbUiPw9Uf0ixT6_2K2Ol1QU8sZZxbC5kvH90nGGzpxFxp6bjAmq7cSsB4QnMMoxBDI3ZBUq5CZrN-VTftEhm6WZnp-Pa4EOYausCdWY_ZXNY9iObS0zgKtukxafxgnbyJuoetOd4QlcJs8qKFc&c=5-CV0A4dL_V4pH-3-uHjzxT_NmPTQ7qucWAQbdPaAqNGnSaSLjx_sQ==&ch=iHCJ1j1qA8eEHXIWIvMFp0KiUDj5-LLi2oCsltwBdfAgavJ03SB1lg==> 4 Full-Day and 7 Half-Day Workshops on everything from Separation through Marketing Equipment Show and Demonstrations<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001C4C9f0eHpUIe4JHf0zFyNmB8TsVTEom8jYMsjP9u8NwQ7PnbUiPw9Uf0ixT6_2K2lCRw4vyptaEu5iFeXkiBX6uStv2Ox_ZWKWEIhdHau_-owXAOjw2cl87_HVPBqwVufxtoUW28LAG7Yif4tulm7Zg8d0pcHXAvg5x1UlkJlYCr_FS-2TYV62gEVmWUWpZGNjF20T9p2pztj-p17IowjA==&c=5-CV0A4dL_V4pH-3-uHjzxT_NmPTQ7qucWAQbdPaAqNGnSaSLjx_sQ==&ch=iHCJ1j1qA8eEHXIWIvMFp0KiUDj5-LLi2oCsltwBdfAgavJ03SB1lg==> See the latest on display and in action! Bigger and better every year! Friday at Garden-Ville<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001C4C9f0eHpUIe4JHf0zFyNmB8TsVTEom8jYMsjP9u8NwQ7PnbUiPw9QG2FVPBnGwNhcLix8MuEVx4trKoX-riX38NqpDjixjzCX4Aa6RMQgHt5ZWRiWzzmqNC-0ZI4ikfuZJ9SZIUxgeTGry-fE9NKDCSRLvD6-tOe8NtpBaJwubX7y3DA9zrPA==&c=5-CV0A4dL_V4pH-3-uHjzxT_NmPTQ7qucWAQbdPaAqNGnSaSLjx_sQ==&ch=iHCJ1j1qA8eEHXIWIvMFp0KiUDj5-LLi2oCsltwBdfAgavJ03SB1lg==> (tours of the Exotic Game Ranch<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001C4C9f0eHpUIe4JHf0zFyNmB8TsVTEom8jYMsjP9u8NwQ7PnbUiPw9VsE2LAihS5wahqrENvzUJEMhSvWt2pJ2dUh2c3mOno8GfisUVeu2lp4jLtxWTbN38AIF9SvWl6hdeJj50tEu5CcehP1eo00RHY36zSwDG69fu_0c_xdIxO_I3rM0a9Gx4ox3xoLL0m_AwSBQpusShukqT5WN2TWFA==&c=5-CV0A4dL_V4pH-3-uHjzxT_NmPTQ7qucWAQbdPaAqNGnSaSLjx_sQ==&ch=iHCJ1j1qA8eEHXIWIvMFp0KiUDj5-LLi2oCsltwBdfAgavJ03SB1lg==> are included) For all the details, including Hotel, Fees, and all events, go to www.compostingcouncil.org/COMPOST2015<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001C4C9f0eHpUIe4JHf0zFyNmB8TsVTEom8jYMsjP9u8NwQ7PnbUiPw9QogrJ_k0A8hAE-QmXh1Ln3y86yxA0PXvNlxsypDaiUj0U-JafKdN1rJTMRPKPqZw4bByfeU0JeY1iC7YGlH8-kWJLU61WAztaYg_1hTyg0OPieACvaqC26uOasih_znv22mxEwMbNwFpFk_f3dE8yk=&c=5-CV0A4dL_V4pH-3-uHjzxT_NmPTQ7qucWAQbdPaAqNGnSaSLjx_sQ==&ch=iHCJ1j1qA8eEHXIWIvMFp0KiUDj5-LLi2oCsltwBdfAgavJ03SB1lg==> Job Opportunities Jackson Conservation District - Conservation Technical Assistance Initiative Engineer The Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program Conservation Technical Assistance Initiative (CTAI) is seeking interested applicants to serve as a CTAI Engineer in the Jackson Conservation District. The applicant must possess a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, or Agricultural Engineering. Successful completion of the Fundamentals of Engineering exam is desired, but not a requirement. The position will be located in Jackson, Michigan. The selected individual will handle assignments in a multi-county area. The work will be performed under the approval of the Natural Resources Conservation Service. The engineer will be responsible to work with individuals in the agricultural community to conduct field investigations, prepare engineering designs, and oversee construction on a variety of agricultural practices. These practices may include agrichemical containment facilities, animal trails and walkways, grade stabilization structures, grassed waterways, and sedimentation control basins. The individual will gain substantial hands-on field and design experience. Position Description<http://macd.org/assets/Job%20Postings/2014-Jackson-CTAI-ENGINEER-POSITION.pdf> Application Deadline: October 17th, 2014. Interested applicants must electronically submit a resume, official transcripts, and a cover letter indicating relevant experience d be submitted electronically to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. For questions regarding this posting please contact Michelle Crook, Engineering Specialist, Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development at (517) 284-5625<file://localhost/tel/%2528517%2529%2520284-5625>. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR at Michigan State University The Department of Horticulture at Michigan State University has an opening for a tenure-track, 12 month Assistant Professor in Sustainable Vegetable Production and Nutrition Systems. Would you please share this announcement with everyone in your department/college. Sustainable Vegetable Production and Nutrition Systems The Department of Horticulture (http://www.hrt.msu.edu) in the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources at Michigan State University (MSU) invites applications for an Assistant Professor, twelve-month tenure-track position (50% research, 50% extension) to conduct research and extension/outreach programs that promote production of vegetables while maintaining or enhancing environmental quality in Michigan and beyond. The incumbent will develop a nationally and internationally recognized program in vegetable crop nutrition and soil fertility management that builds collaboratively on MSU’s strengths in vegetable production and sustainable cropping systems. Research should utilize both basic science and applied approaches while addressing the issues and opportunities facing the Michigan and Midwest vegetable industry. Other potential areas of research focus include development of integrative systems to optimize plant nutrition and soil health; efficient nutrient and water delivery systems tailored to precision agriculture, drip irrigation, microclimate modification or extended season cropping systems; rhizosphere dynamics; or interactions between cropping systems and food quality/human nutrition. The successful candidate will establish innovative research and outreach programs, secure competitive/ extramural funding, publish in high quality refereed journals, advise and mentor students, provide leadership in state-wide vegetable extension programming (including development of educational materials and other outreach tools), establish strong ties with industry leaders and grower groups; and contribute to the on-going programs of MSU’s Vegetable Extension Team. The salary is competitive and commensurate with the candidate’s experience. A health, dental and retirement benefits program is included. Qualifications: Required: _PhD in horticulture, plant science, plant physiology, soil science or a related field _Demonstrated capacity to conduct independent research _Ability to work collaboratively with research and Extension teams _Excellent oral and written communication skills Desired: _Postdoctoral experience in plant nutrition, physiology and vegetable production _Teaching, Extension, and team management experience _Three or more years of vegetable production and research experience Plant Sciences at MSU: MSU is a global leader in basic and applied plant sciences, with over 150 faculty members engaged in research on nearly all aspects of crop production and plant science. MSU offers state-of-the-art field, greenhouse, growth chamber, and laboratory facilities to support diverse research and outreach interests. Application Procedure: Qualified applicants should submit a letter of application, a summary of research accomplishments and future research objectives, and a description of Extension/outreach interests and philosophy, a current CV, and contact information for at least three references online at https://jobs.msu.edu. Select Faculty/Academic Staff and apply to posting 0099 before February 28, 2015. Review of applications will begin March 1, 2015 and will continue until the position is filled. Questions can be directed to Dr. Eric Hanson, Search Committee Chair ([log in to unmask]). Questions on submitting applications through https://jobs.msu.edu can be directed to [log in to unmask] MSU is an affirmative action, equal-opportunity employer. MSU is committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. The University actively encourages applications and/or nominations of women, persons of color, veterans and persons with disabilities. Position: Full time Farm Assistant Manager/Crew Leader Duration: November 2014 - November 2015 • Exact start and end dates are negotiable. • Longer-term employment and a permanent position is available (this is based on employee’s performance, farm’s success, and discretion of farm owner). • If identified for a longer term position, you will be granted greater responsibilities and, following the appropriate training period, will be given creative license to fulfill those responsibilities; the management position can be paid a higher rate based on the drive and capability of the individual. • Full time work during peak season (May 1-October 31) is 60 hr/wk, off season hours are between 40-50 hr/wk. • As this position is managerial, the employee may work some weekends. Duties: 6. Employees will engage in several aspects of production and marketing on this diversified organic farm, under the direction of the farm owner. Including, but not limited to: 7. Seeding, transplanting, weeding, irrigation, harvest, and packing of produce; 8. marketing and deliveries of produce via farmers’ markets, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), and wholesale accounts; 9. general maintenance of farm infrastructure, cleaning, basic repairs, and painting; 10. operation of large and small tractors for cultivation, harvest, and tillage. 11. operation of small engine equipment such as mowers, trimmers, walk behind tractor, etc.; assisting with livestock management (e.g., feeding, cleaning, caring for, rotating, and processing pastured poultry). Requirements: Imperative: Timeliness; Hustle; Capable of clearly communicating questions, concerns, and needs; Strong Work Ethic; 1 full year of experience on an organic vegetable farm in PA or the neighboring region. Important: Balance attention to detail and a quick work pace; Willing to work outside in any weather; Maintain positive attitude in stressful conditions; Experience with manual labor/long, physically demanding work days; Varied tractor experience with ability to change out implements and troubleshoot with patience. Preferred: Understanding of sustainable/organic poultry operations; Flexible on learning./training styles; Ability to handle constructive criticism at performance review sessions with grace; Accept and promote a communal living space; Experience managing a crew, keeping others on task; comparable leadership roles. Compensation: • $1650 monthly salary • 5 paid sick days • Housing in our large historic farmhouse full of modern amenities. Residing on the farm is a requirement. • Seasonal produce Be advised that No pets are allowed; Vacation time is available, but must be planned well in advance and not scheduled during peak season; There will be performance review sessions between the farm owner and the employee within the first six months of employment; Employees must contribute personal time to house cleaning, cutting firewood, landscaping, etc.; and no smoking nor illegal drugs are permitted in the house or on the property. Contact: Elaine Lemmon, farmer/owner [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> 717-253-7797. Provide resume, cover letter, and 3 references via email. Review of applications begins immediately. Positions will remain open until filled. Phone/video interviews and farm visits will be arranged with qualified applicants. Elaine L. Lemmon Farmer/Owner, Everblossom Farm<http://www.everblossomfarm.com/> Certified Organic Produce - Year Round 717-253-7797 6363 Carlisle Pike East Berlin, PA 17316 Monroe Conservation District - Soil Conservation Technician Phosphorus Initiative Technical Assistance Grant Agreement The Monroe Conservation District is seeking a Soil Conservation Technician (SCT) to implement conservation practices and wildlife habitat initiatives that protect and improve natural resources in Monroe County. Within this Phosphorus Initiative, the SCT will provide technical assistance, and guidance to landowners and producers, as well as working cooperatively with multiple agencies, including, but not limited to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (MDARD), and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) to promote federal and state programs targeting soil health, water quality, and wildlife habitat. Encouraging Federal Farm Bill Programs, and State of Michigan initiatives, such as: Michigan Agricultural Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP), Pheasant Restoration Initiative, and the Hunting Access Program. The SCT will raise public awareness of problematic phosphorus loading in the watershed and work proactively with agricultural producers to identify on-farm environmental risks that may cause phosphorous to enter into drains and waterways. This work will be performed in the office and in the field. For a detailed description go to www.MonroeCD.org<http://www.monroecd.org/employment.html>, employment. Application Deadline: Email cover letter, resume, and college transcripts to [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> by the close of business October 17, 2014. - Catherine Catherine Acerboni District Manager Monroe Conservation District 1137 South Telegraph Road, Monroe, Michigan phone: 734.241.7755 Ext 101<file://localhost/tel/734.241.7755%20Ext%20101>, fax: 855.790.7275<file://localhost/tel/855.790.7275> www.Monroecd.org<http://www.monroecd.org/> Practical Farmers of Iowa is hiring a Research and Program Assistant. Practical Farmers of Iowa is seeking an experienced professional to serve as our Research and Program Assistant. Practical Farmers offers a flexible, fast-paced work environment with opportunities for independent initiative and professional development. This position will be expected to assist in all facets of Practical Farmers’ Cooperators’ Program but will primarily pertain to on-farm research in our field crops (corn, soybean, small grains, cover crops) and energy areas. Practical Farmers’ Cooperators’ Program involves on-farm research conducted in all of our focus areas: field crops, livestock, horticulture and energy. The research conducted as part of Practical Farmers’ Cooperators’ Program stems from the priorities set by our member-farmers; PFI staff does not tell them what they should be interested in. Our farmers’ priority is not published papers but free sharing of knowledge and information among farmers and actual change on their farms. Field crops research typically involves randomized and replicated experimental designs with treatment strips running the full length of commercial production fields at several of our members’ farms across the state of Iowa. Practical Farmers’ Energy Programming helps farmers document and then reduce their on-farm energy use and share the results with other farmers. Duties include: - Write and report on grants in field crops and energy areas. - Assist with research report writing in field crops and energy areas. - Feature PFI farmers in field crop articles (6 per year), energy articles (4 per year), blogs on field crops and energy farmers/topics/events. - Coordinate field work with participating research partner organizations, including: seeding, data collection, sampling, etc. - Coordinate and staff events—including conference sessions, field days, workshops, farminars—for field crop and energy programs. - Assist the Research Scientist and Cooperators’ Program Manager implement on-farm research. - Other duties as assigned. Requirements: - Bachelor’s degree is required, Master’s degree preferred, in a scientific field. - Experience writing grant proposals, grant reports and technical research reports. - Experience with on-farm or university research trials that include randomized and replicated treatment designs. - Basic understanding of field crop production in Iowa and the challenges all farmers in Iowa face to conserving energy on-farm. - Successful candidate will want to attend 6-12 field days or workshops with farmers per year. - Must be patient with sometimes imperfect research efforts. - Must be a team player. This is a full-time position based in our Ames office. This position requires travel (mostly in Iowa), a valid driver’s license, the ability to lift 50 pounds and the ability to walk long distances. The position reports to Stefan Gailans, Research Scientist and Cooperators’ Program Manager. Practical Farmers is a family-friendly employer. The position includes full health care benefits, a flex plan, short- and long-term disability, life insurance, and generous paid time off. Employer contribution to a 401k retirement plan is offered after one year of employment. Salary: - $35-38,000 plus benefits, based on experience and qualifications. We are looking for a three-year commitment to this position. Please apply by sending cover letter, resume and references to Stefan Gailans at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> by November 1, 2014. -- Stefan Gailans Research Scientist and Cooperators' Program Manager Practical Farmers of Iowa 600 5th. St., Suite 100 Ames, IA 50010 (515) 232-5661<file://localhost/tel/%2528515%2529%20232-5661> http://www.practicalfarmers.org/ Lapeer Conservation District MAEAP Technician The Lapeer Conservation District, located in Lapeer, Michigan is seeking a full-time Michigan Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) Technician. The MAEAP Technician is responsible for delivering on-farm technical assistance in Lapeer and Macomb Counties, Michigan. This includes conducting farm-specific risk assessments; coordinating local, state, and federal agency resources to help farmers reduce environmental risks; and assisting farmers in making progress toward MAEAP verification. The MAEAP Technician is also responsible for collaborating with Conservation District staff to promote MAEAP and educate diverse audiences on the importance of natural resource conservation in Lapeer and Macomb Counties. Application Deadline: 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 14, 2014. Please email a resume with a cover letter stating how your knowledge and skills make you a suitable candidate for this position, and a list of three references to: Mary Brown, District Manager, Lapeer Conservation District at [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>. Mary Brown Manager, Lapeer Conservation District 700 S. Main Street, Suite 120-C, Lapeer, MI 48446 Phone: 810-664-0895, ext. 5<file://localhost/tel/810-664-0895%252C%20ext.%205>/ Fax: 855-781-2331<file://localhost/tel/855-781-2331>/ www.lapeercd.org<http://www.lapeercd.org/> Grant Opportunity NCRCRD – Small Grants Announcement Multi-State Rural Development Research or Extension Projects North Central Region FY 15/16 The North Central Regional Center for Rural Development (NCRCRD) at Michigan State University announces a competition for seed grants aimed at enhancing the ability of Land Grant institutions to positively influence the quality of life in rural areas of the twelve-state North Central region of the United States. Priority areas for the Center’s work include: • Innovation diffusion for rural development • Sustainable communities • Leadership development • Entrepreneurial communities More complete descriptions of these themes are available on the Center’s web site at: http://ncrcrd.msu.edu/ncrcrd/what_we_do Grant awards may range from $5,000 to $25,000 each. Up to $144,000 will be awarded. The Center does not pay overhead or other administrative costs. Proposals are due at 5:00 p.m. Eastern time, January 28, 2015. Proposals received after the application window closes will be reviewed by the NCRCRD director only (not referees) and not considered for funding in this cycle. For anyone who has questions regarding submitting a proposal or the proposal process, we have scheduled two Q/A conference calls: ⇒Thursday, November 20, 2014 at 11:00 AM-Eastern Time ⇒Thursday, January 8, 2015 at 3:00 PM-Eastern Time To sign up and to receive the call in information, email [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]> and indicate date you are registering for. Call For Proposals <http://expeng.anr.msu.edu/uploads/files/133/NCRCRD%20FY15-16%20Small%20Grants%20Call%20for%20Proposals.pdf> (details and how to apply) or go to http://ncrcrd.msu.edu/ncrcrd/grants 12. Cover Page<http://expeng.anr.msu.edu/uploads/files/133/NCRCRD%20small%20Grants%202014%20cover%20page.doc> 13. Budget Instructions<http://expeng.anr.msu.edu/uploads/files/133/NCRCRD%20Small%20Grants%202014%20Budget%20Instructions.doc> 14. Budget Template<http://expeng.anr.msu.edu/uploads/files/133/budget%20template.pdf> 15. Proposal Approval Page<http://expeng.anr.msu.edu/uploads/files/133/Small%20Grant%20proposal%20approval%20page.docx> 16. MSU SubRecipient Form<http://expeng.anr.msu.edu/uploads/files/133/MSU%20Subrecipient%20Form.doc> TIME LINE FOR AWARDS Award recommendations will be made at the NCRCRD Board meeting planned for late spring, 2015. Project PIs will be notified of the board recommendations shortly after the meeting. Board award recommendations will be forwarded to USDA for consent and approval, subject to budget availability, and finally processed by the Michigan State University grants office. Projects funded under the NCRCRD small grants process are expected to begin in early- to mid-fall 2015 (exact start date to be determined by MSU grants office), and will be completed within 12 months of the start date. North Central Regional Center for Rural Development Michigan State University Justin S. Morrill Hall of Agriculture 446 W. Circle Drive, Room 66 East Lansing, MI 48824 517.355.3373 Vicki Morrone Organic farming specialist Center For Regional Food Systems at MSU 480 Wilson Rd Rm 303 East Lansing, MI 48824 517-353-3542/517-282-3557 (cell) Www.MichiganOrganic.Msu.edu