Dear Colleagues—


We cordially invite you to submit abstracts for the 2nd Workshop on Migration and Diaspora Entrepreneurship, co-hosted by University of Bremen, Germany, and University of Turku, Finland. The workshop will take place on 11 November 2014 in Bremen.


Call for Papers & Presentations

The workshop welcomes research papers focusing migration and diaspora entrepreneurship. They can be conceptual,

review or empirical papers. Interdisciplinary perspectives are especially welcome. Please send your abstract of about

700 words via e-mail to [log in to unmask] until the 20th of October 2014. The abstracts undergo a peer-reviewing

process. In case of interest of participation without a presentation, please let us know via this e-mail account as well.

Publication Opportunities

Qualified papers will have an opportunity to be published as working paper or in the American Journal of Entrepreneurship,

special issue: “Transnational Entrepreneurship - Constellations of Countries, Markets, Entrepreneurs and Human

Mobility“. We also organize a workshop on “Diaspora Entrepreneurship in Turkey and Germany“ within the program of

the Turkey Week organized by the University of Bremen on 12th of November, 2014. If you are interested in participation,

please contact [log in to unmask] as well.


People interested in the workshop can consider taking part in a follow-up workshop on the same issue but more dedicated to the exchange between academia and practice on 12 November 2014 in Bremen which is part of the Turkey Week. Please take a look at the CfP that is attached to this e-mail.


Best regards, also on behalf of Aki Harima and Maria Elo as co-hosts,


Joerg Freiling



Dr. Jörg Freiling, Full Professor

Vice Dean of the Faculty for Business Studies & Economics


LEMEX – Chair in Small Business & Entrepreneurship

Faculty for Business Studies & Economics

University of Bremen

Wilhelm-Herbst-Str. 5

D-28359 Bremen


Tel.: (49) 0421/218-66870

Fax: (49) 0421/218-66902


ResearchGate (information on research activities):



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