

Dear Colleagues,
Please note that the next issue of the European Journal of International Management is now online (the print edition, as usual, will be released in about 2 weeks):  
European Journal of International Management (EJIM)
Volume 8 – Issue 5 – 2014
Thematic Issue on Human Resource Management and Firm Innovativeness in a European Context
Guest Editors: Dr. Henrik Florén, Professor Huub Ruël, Dr. Jonas Rundquist and Professor Tanya Bondarouk
 Table of Contents
Title and authors
Human resource management and firm innovativeness in a European context: advancing our understanding of the relationship (Introduction to the thematic issue)
Huub Ruël; Tanya Bondarouk; Henrik Florén; Jonas Rundquist
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2014.064599
Affecting innovation through HRM: the role of creative capital
André A.R. Veenendaal; Martijn Van Velzen; Jan Kees Looise
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2014.064600
How can HR practices support front-end innovation and increase the innovativeness of companies?
Annabeth Aagaard; Torben Andersen
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2014.064601
Exploring the links among organisational commitment, knowledge sharing and innovation capability in a public organisation
Salih Yeşil
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2014.064602
Combining collaboration and competition: a key to improved idea management?
Magnus Bergendahl; Mats Magnusson
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2014.064603
Cooperating with external partners: the importance of diversity for innovation performance
Mathias Beck; Andrea Schenker-Wicki
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2014.064604
HRM and innovation: themes, contingencies and directions for future research
Henrik Florén; Jonas Rundquist; Randall S. Schuler; Tanya Bondarouk; Huub Ruël
DOI: 10.1504/EJIM.2014.064605
Here you can access the abstracts of articles published in this issue.  If the hyperlink does not work, please try the following: ( or go to ( and proceed to the current issue.
 Best wishes,
Prof. Vlad Vaiman, PhD
Editor-in-Chief, EJIM
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