*** Apologies for cross-postings*** CALL FOR PAPERS EURAM 2015 SIG: Strategic Management 17-20 June, Warsaw (Poland) ST-13-03: Strategy Processes and Practices: developing and exploiting competitive advantage for organizational performance in uncertain environment Organizers Sébastien Picard, Toulsoue School of Management Xavier Castañer, University of Lausane Véronique Steyer, ISG Paris Description Strategic processes refer to the organizational processes related to the formation and implementation of (business, corporate and geographical) strategies, and the processes enabling firms to seize and deploy strategic initiatives (acquisitions, alliances, divestitures, internal ventures, et cetera) as well as the management of strategic issues associated with these (Ansoff, 1980; De Clercq, Castañer, & Belausteguigoitia, 2011; Dutton, Fahey, & Narayanan, 1983; Floyd & Wooldridge, 2000; Lechner & Floyd, 2012). Strategy-as-practice, as a research stream, focuses on what people do 'inside' such organizational processes (Whittington, 2003) and seeks to highlight the role of organizational actors in formulating and implementing strategy (Felin, Foss, Heimeriks, & Madsen, 2012; Sirmon & Hitt, 2009; Vaara & Whittington, 2012). In the SPP track, we aims at bringing together these organizational and people levels of analysis to advance our understanding of strategy in the making, in the midst of environmental dynamics. In particular, we are interested to extend and bridge the existing streams of research on strategy within organizations by considering organizations as emerging from processes. This would invite to rethink strategy as an ongoing organizational flow in which development and implementation are intertwined to achieve sustainable superior performance despite the fast-paced institutional and competitive dynamics. Following the general topic of the Euram 2015 conference, and as a few examples of potential interesting topics, we hope to bring together scholars whose research investigates how organizational actors create strategy as uncertain and ambiguous environments unfold, how they strategize when facing a rapid obsolescence of the resource base of their firm, how coordination and synchronization in uncertain environment are obtained in the quest of organizational effectiveness and questions the role of organizational, but also individual identity, in creating sustainable superior performance in a global world. The SPP track also aims at drawing on theoretical and methodological streams novel to the study of strategy such as sociology, social psychology, linguistics, and political science. For instance, discursive (Knights & Morgan, 1991; Paroutis & Heracleous, 2013) and narrative (Barry & Elmes, 1997; Fenton & Langley, 2011) analyses have helped us to better understand the role of language and communication in strategic decision-making and how firms cope with environmental dynamics. Furthermore, consistent with Tsoukas and Chia (2002) call to delve into organizational processes, methods such as participant observation (Laine & Vaara, 2007), ethnography (Samra-Fredericks, 2003; Watson, 2013), video ethnography (Liu & Maitlis, 2014) and discourse analysis (Kwon, Clarke, & Wodak, 2014; Mantere & Vaara, 2008), formerly rarely used in conventional strategy research, have been fruitfully applied to open fertile research avenues by scholars interested in the human foundations of strategic management. We believe that such disciplines can enhance our theorizations about strategic processes. Interested or curious? Please please visit the conference website www.euram2015.org <http://www.euram2015.org/> For more information on submission guidelines and practicalities, please visit the conference website www.euram2015.org <http://www.euram2015.org/> We hope to see you @EURAM in Warsaw! Cheers, Sébastien, Xavier and Véronique ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: http://aib.msu.edu/community/aib-l.asp To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.