

AIB 2015 Logo

AIB 2015 Annual Meeting 
Bengaluru, India
June 27-30, 2015




AIB/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Student Consortium
June 27, 2015



Co-Chairs: Stewart Miller, University of Texas San Antonio & Shameen
Prashantham, Nottingham University Business School China 

Submission Deadline: January 30, 2015 


The Academy of International Business is organizing a Doctoral Consortium,
which will be held on Saturday, June 27, 2015 from 9:00 am to 4:30 pm.


The Consortium will provide a unique opportunity for doctoral students to
further develop their research ideas, to learn about the challenges of
conducting international business research and building a successful
academic career in this field, and to broaden their professional networks.
The format of the Consortium will facilitate a constructive and supportive
discussion among the doctoral students and the participating faculty on
topics of broad interest such as new trends in conducting high-impact
international business research, managing the dissertation stage and the job
search process, and successful entry into the academic career. In addition,
students will receive concrete feedback on their individual current research
projects as well as ideas and guidance for their future research agenda.


The most suitable candidates for the Consortium are Ph.D. students in
international business who have completed their course work, are in the
dissertation stage of their programs, and have a relatively clear idea about
their dissertation research. While all such candidates will be considered,
preference will be given to those who have defended their dissertation
proposals. Selection criteria will also include research potential of the
dissertation topic and contribution to the disciplinary and geographical
diversity of representation. In order to make the consortium an effective
exchange forum, we will be restricting the number of participants to 30 and
will emphasize quality and diversity in the selection.


The faculty panel of the 2015 Doctoral Consortium will include a number of
accomplished and upcoming international business scholars who have an
extensive publication record, have served as editors or are members of the
editorial boards of leading academic journals, have won best dissertation or
other research awards, and have substantial experience supervising doctoral
students. (Please note: additions and changes are possible):


Preet Aulakh, York University 
Anthony Goerzen, Queen's University
Dan Li, Indiana University 
Peter Liesch, University of Queensland
Anoop Madhok, York University
John Mezias, University of Miami
Stewart Miller, University of Texas San Antonio
Bo Neilsen, Copenhagen Business School
Torben Pedersen, Bocconi University
Shameen Prashantham, Nottingham University Business School China
Saeed Samiee, Tulsa University
Anju Seth, Virginia Tech



Tentative Program (subject to change):

There are three thematic panels in the consortium in addition to the small
group discussion of dissertation research. First, the consortium will
present a panel on how to build a high impact research program in
international business. Second, another panel will provide some helpful
insights for building successful academic careers including dissertation and
job search. Third, a panel of editors of top journals will discuss the
common mistakes that junior scholars make and will provide advice on how to
approach the publication task. 


Saturday, June 27, 2015 

09:00 - 09:30


09:30 - 10:30 

Panel: Conducting High Impact IB Research

10:30 -10:45

Coffee Break

10:45 -12:15

Small Group Discussion of Doctoral Student Research

12:15 - 13:15

Lunch and Networking (with junior faculty consortium)

13:30 - 15:00 

Panel: Managing the Dissertation and the Job Search Stage

15:00 - 15:30

Coffee Break

15:30 - 16:30 

Panel: Meet the Editors (with Junior Faculty Consortium)


Submission Requirements:

All materials have to be submitted by January 30, 2015. Please note that
late submissions or submissions that do not follow the requirements will not
be considered.


Information to Be Submitted by Advisor:

1.	Letter of nomination: The student's dissertation advisor should send
a nomination letter to the Consortium Co-Chairs (email details at the bottom
of this call). The letter should discuss the progress of the student in the
program and his/her academic performance and potential. It should state
clearly whether the applicant has defended (or is expected to defend by June
15, 2015) his/her dissertation proposal. If the student is enrolled in a
doctoral program that does not have a formal proposal defense, the
dissertation advisor's statement of approval of the proposal will suffice.


Information to Be Submitted by Student:

E-mail your application in one file to the Co-Chairs (email details at the
bottom of this call). Your application must include the following documents:

1.	Abstract of the dissertation proposal (not to exceed 5 pages, single
spaced): Please include title, author information, abstract, keywords, and
dissertation research summary. Diagrams, tables, and references should be
provided at the end of the document but do not count towards the 5-page
limit. The extended abstract should succinctly cover the research question,
theoretical background, proposed research design, and intended contribution.
2.	Resume (not to exceed 1 page): Highlight your academic and work
experience, along with publications including manuscripts under review.


AIB Award for the Best Doctoral Dissertation Proposal

All participants in the Doctoral Student Consortium are eligible for the AIB
Award for the Best Doctoral Dissertation Proposal. There is no separate
application process for this award. All completed applications to the
Consortium are automatically entered into the competition. The winner will
receive a plaque and a monetary award. The selection is done by the faculty
panel of the Doctoral Student Consortium and is based on the submitted
dissertation proposal abstracts. The criteria used in evaluating the
abstracts include: (a) originality and theoretical foundations of the work;
(b) rigor and soundness of the proposed methodology; and (c) potential
contribution and impact of the proposed work to advancing the field. This
award is generously sponsored by the AIB Foundation.


Application for Travel Stipend

Due to the kind support of the Sheth Foundation, several travel grants are
available for students in need of financial support to attend the
Consortium. If you would like to apply for one of these travel stipends,
please check the AIB 2015 Travel Stipends
<>  page for further


Please e-mail your application for the Doctoral Consortium to both Co-Chairs
(with the subject line "AIB Doctoral Consortium"):

Stewart Miller and Shameen Prashantham
Co-Chairs, AIB 2015 Doctoral Consortium
E-mail: [log in to unmask]; [log in to unmask]
<mailto:[log in to unmask];[log in to unmask]> 



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