

Registration is now open for a community food system training being offered on December 15, 16 and 17 in Okemos, MI.  We will start the training at 9:30 on the 15th and dive right into community coaching, led by MSU Extension’s Dr. Dave Ivan.  On the 16th and 17th, Sharon Thornberry from the Oregon Food Bank will provide training on the nationally recognized FEAST Model (Food, Education, Agriculture, Solutions, Together). 

“This model provides a menu of community organizing methods to mobilize residents around improving their local food system. FEAST events have resulted in outcomes including the establishment of new farmers’ markets and gardens, improved collaboration between groups and even the formation of new nonprofits.”


The link for registration is:

This training will be limited to 60 participants.  Enjoy your day!

Becky Henne
Becky Henne, MS
Michigan State University Extension
551 Courthouse Dr., Suite One
Charlotte, MI  48813
Desk Phone: 517-543-4468
General Phone: 517-543-2310
Fax 517-543-8119