


Telecommunication Systems Newsletter

Sept. 24, 2014

Did you know?

Select monthly billing records from IPF Telecommunication Systems are considered by the Office of the Controller to be sensitive but not confidential. Billing data is housed in a separate system from EBS and access is restricted by fiscal officers such that they can only view billing records assigned general ledger numbers associated with their fiscal-officer permissions.

You can view, print or download your recurring monthly charges for IPF's Telecommunication Systems department via the IPF Telecommunications Systems online billing system<>. This bill covers all telephone, fiber optics, cable television and two-way radio services billed to an EBS-approved general-ledger number.

In order to log into the billing system, you must first register with Telecommunication Systems. Department fiscal officers must authorize staff in their respective areas to access recurring monthly charges. To facilitate this process, Telecom Systems has established a customized service request to add/remove access to online billing statements<>. The fiscal officer is not required to submit the service request but the requestor must enter the fiscal officer on the form. Before processing the request, Telecom Systems will send an email to the fiscal officer to verify access request.

It is important for fiscal officers to maintain user access as authorized users log in to the Telecom billing systems with their MSUNet ID. Users will retain access until Telecom System has removed them, so it is important that the department requests access changes when staff leave the department or if access to the billing data is no longer necessary.

IPF is planning to have fiscal officer routing for the service request system this fall. With that function in place, the service request will route to the fiscal officer for confirmation before submission to IPF Telecom Systems.
For more information on Telecom billing, visit the Telecom billing page<> on the IPF website or call IPF Telecom Systems at 353-5515.

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Fax: 517.353.6633

E-mail: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>


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IPF Telecommunication Systems | Public Safety Building | 1120 Red Cedar Road Room W110 | East Lansing, MI 48824 | e-mail<mailto:[log in to unmask]>