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Contemporary Trends and Perspectives in
Wine and Agrifood Management
Host institution: University Salento, Lecce, Italy
16-17 January 2015
The conference is under the auspices of the Mayor of the City of Lecce and the Department of Agricultural Development of the Apulia Region
EMRBI Presidents: Prof. Demetris Vrontis and Prof. Yaakov Weber
Conference Chairs: Prof. Amedeo Maizza and Dr. Matteo Rossi
Nature and Scope of the Conference
Wine and agro products businesses, increasingly focus on management and marketing means and practices, as these highlight products' value as well as build competitive advantages and increase efficiency and effectiveness across the industry, both vertically and horizontally.
Recent years, in fact, have witnessed a growth of wine and agro food management concepts and models that are based on multi-dimensional segmentation, and which ultimately aim at strengthening the experiential elements of the product.
Wine and agro product businesses have further found value in collaborating with other industries, and especially in the alliance with the tourism and hospitality sector; an alliance that rests upon the mutual foundations of culture, heritage, tradition and local identity.
Consequent to all the above, the number and range of stakeholders in the wine and agro food sector has increased, as have the complexity and demands of its generated values. The future calls for a wine and agro food sector with a strong business acumen, well designed production and logistical systems, comprehensive and creative marketing and branding tactics, and strategic alliances across multiple organisations, industries and regions. The synergies involved benefit all stakeholders as they improve rural tourism and economies, and fortify heritage, tradition and identity.
This conference provides the opportunity to academics, researchers and practitioners alike to interact, share knowledge and know-how and increase synergies concerning the contemporary trends and developments of the wine and agro food industry.
Topics of the conference:
This conference welcomes abstracts or papers from the following (but not exclusively) areas. All papers or abstracts submitted should be strictly related to wine and agrifood management:
- Management, innovation and entrepreneurship
- Organizational behavior and human resource management
- Economics and Finance
- Marketing and Promotion
- Consumers' preferences and buying behaviour
- Destination and brand development
- Distribution channels and retailing
- E-commerce, social media and other online platforms
- New product and regional development
- Slow food and slow tourism
- Environmental and ethical issues
- Wine and agro food tourism
Please submit your paper or abstract to Dr Evangelos Tsoukatos at [log in to unmask] (and cc: Georgia Sakka, at [log in to unmask]) by strictly adhering to the attached Author Guidelines.
Submission Deadlines:
Abstracts and full papers: 12th October 2014
Notification to authors: 17th November 2014
Revision of papers: 3rd of December 2014
A selection of the best papers will be considered for publication in the following journals:
EuroMed Journal of Business (ISSN: 1450-2194)
Sinergie (ISSN: 0393-5108)
Micro & Macro Marketing (ISSN: 1121-4228)
Mercati e Competitività (ISSN: 1826-7386)
International Journal of Digital Culture and Electronic Tourism (ISSN: 1753-5220)
International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business (ISSN: 1479-3059)
International Journal of Management Practice (ISSN: 1477-9064)
Piccola Impresa (ISSN: 0394-7947)
Conference Secretariat:
Lea Iaia ([log in to unmask]), Federica Cavallo ([log in to unmask]) and Georgia Sakka ([log in to unmask])
Organising scientific committee:
Monica Fait, Paola Scorrano and Oronzo Trio, University of Salento
Diego Begalli, University of Verona
Antonino Galati, University of Palermo
Giuseppe Festa, University of Salerno
Eugenio Pomarici, University of Napoli
Risorgimento Resort Via Augusto Imperatore n. 19, 73100 Lecce
Tel. +39 0832 246311, e-mail: [log in to unmask]
Hotel President, via Salandra n. 6, 73100 Lecce
Tel. +39 0832 456111, e-mail: [log in to unmask]
Eos Hotel, Viale Alfieri n. 11, 73100 Lecce
Tel. 0832 347840, e-mail: [log in to unmask]
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