Dear colleagues, This is a kind reminder of the second call for papers for the Fifth Annual AIB-LAT Conference that will take place in Santiago, Chile, on January 22-24, 2015. As Conference Chair, I want to give you the warmest welcome to Chile and Santiago. The theme of this conference is Internationalization of Family and Entrepreneurial Businesses in Latin America. As Conference hosts, we at ESE Business School, Universidad de los Andes, are fully committed to make this AIB-LAT Conference a wonderful experience for international business scholars planning to attend from all over the world and their companions. A copy of the second call for papers can be found in the attached PDF file. KEY DATES: Full paper submission: August 31, 2014 Full paper acceptance: October 15, 2014 You are cordially invited to visit the conference website at <> There you can find all the information regarding the conference, submission of papers, registration form, logistics, and of course suggestions to take advantage of your visit to our country. Kind regards, Jon I. Martínez Conference Chair AIB-LAT Conference 2015 ____ AIB-L is brought to you by the Academy of International Business. For information: To post message: [log in to unmask] For assistance: [log in to unmask] AIB-L is a moderated list.