

Call for paper for the 2014 Annual Meeting of the
Academy of International Business- US Northeast Chapter

November 13 – 15, 2014
Renaissance Providence Downtown Hotel – Providence, RI

College of Business, Bryant University

Outsourcing vs. Insourcing: Opportunities and Challenges in Theory and Practice 

CIBER, Temple University, Pennsylvania

Submission Deadline (Extended): August 31st, 2014

Conference Co-Chairs:
Crystal Jiang, Bryant University ([log in to unmask])
Andres Ramirez, Bryant University ([log in to unmask])

The 2014 AIB NE chapter annual meeting will be held in Providence, RI, U.S.A. on November 13 – 15, 2014.  The host school will be the College of Business, Bryant University, RI, USA 
Competitive papers and proposals for special sessions and doctoral students are invited for the topic areas listed below. Papers and proposals in other related areas are welcome as well. Papers focusing on the following topics will be given special consideration. 
•	Developing, executing, and governing strategic partnerships in onshore and/or offshore practices
•	Enhancing organizational capabilities (e.g., innovative activities) through outsourcing and/or insourcing
•	Managing knowledge in both offshore and onshore outsourcing and/or insourcing activities
•	Managing cross-cultural business relationships
•	Managing talents within the organization
•	Managing multinational company performance 
•	Pedagogical papers focusing on improving business practices


Confirmed conference speakers include the following (name appears in alphabetical order):

Professor Allan Bird, Northeastern University, Darla and Frederick Brodsky Trustee Professor in Global Business. 
Professor John Cantwell, Rutgers Business School, Distinguished Professor and Editor in Chief of Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS).

Professor Mike Kotabe, Temple University, Professor & Dorothy S. Washburn Chair and Editor in Chief of Journal of International Management (JIM).

Professor Sumit Kundu, Florida International University, Professor & James K. Batten Eminent Scholar Chair in International Business, AIB Vice President.

Professor Ram Mudambi, Temple University, Professor and Perelman Senior Research Fellow. He served as an associate Editor of the Global Strategy Journal (GSJ) (2010-2013) and is an Area Editor at the Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) (2013-2016), AIB Vice President.


Doctoral students are encouraged to submit working papers to the doctoral student consortium. Selected distinguished academics will be invited to participate in the consortium. There is a special discount on registration fee and hotel rate for students.The format of the Consortium will facilitate a constructive discussion among the doctoral students and the participating faculty on topics such as high-impact international business research, managing the dissertation stage, job search process, and successful entry into the academic career. In addition, students will receive feedback on their individual research projects as well as ideas and guidance regarding their future research. All full-length papers submitted before the deadline will automatically be considered for the Best Paper Award and special issue publication. There will also be a  Best Student Paper Award.

The Bryant University International Business Program Best Paper Award and Best Ph.D. student paper award, based on the recommendations of reviewers, will be given during the Award Luncheon on November 15. 

The best papers of the conference will be considered for publication in the Journal of Comparative International Management. Submissions on relevant topics in Entrepreneurship may be considered for the New England Journal of Entrepreneurship and the Transnational Corporations Review. All accepted conference papers will be published as an abstract in the 2014 AIB-NE Conference Proceedings. Paper submission needs to be categorized into one of the topical tracks. Each paper must be submitted to only one track. Please select the track closest to your proposal from the list below:

Track 1: Accounting & Finance
Track chair:  Dr. Liu Wang ([log in to unmask])
Track 2: Business Ethics, Corporate Governance & Social Responsibility
Track chair:  Dr. Srdan Zdravkovic ([log in to unmask])
Track 3: International Entrepreneurship 
Track chair:  Dr. Grace Guo ([log in to unmask])
Track 4: Global Supply Chain and Operations Management
Track chair:  Dr. Suhong Li ([log in to unmask])
Track 5: Innovation and Knowledge Management 
Track chair:  Dr. Denise Dunlap ([log in to unmask])
Track 6: Institutions and International Business
Track chair:  Dr. Elzotbek Rustambekov ([log in to unmask])
Track 7: Management Information Systems 
Track chair:  Dr. Dirk Primus ([log in to unmask])
Track 8: Cross Cultural Management 
Track chair:  Dr. Jim Segovis ([log in to unmask])
Track 9: Foreign Direct Investment Theory and Practices 
Track chair:  Dr. Tim Swift ([log in to unmask])
Track 10: Managing Talent Across Borders
Track chair: Dr. Diya Das ([log in to unmask])
Track 11: International Marketing Opportunities and Challenges
Track chair:  Dr. Jane McKay_Nesbitt ([log in to unmask])

 	All submissions will be blind refereed and a selected number of papers will be published in the conference proceedings. Publication in the proceedings does not preclude subsequent publication in other journals when proper acknowledgements are made. The submission guidelines can be found at the conference website:
 	By submitting a manuscript, the author(s) certifies that it is not copyrighted or previously published, has not been presented or accepted or is not currently under review for presentation at another professional meeting. At least one author must register for the conference. If more than one author presents the paper, each presenter must register. 
 	The manuscripts should be typed in a single Microsoft Word document containing all exhibits and figures.
1. All papers should be double-spaced and should NOT exceed 30 pages (excluding the Title page and references).
2. All information identifying the authors should be removed from the paper. Select File/Properties and set AIBNE as author. 
3. All submission must have a SEPARATE title page with the title of the paper, the name(s), affiliation(s), and complete address of all authors including phone, fax, and email.
4. In case of multiple authors, the name of the correspondence author should be clearly indicated.
All submissions must be sent by August 1. Electronic submissions will be acknowledged by return e-mail upon receipt. Acceptance decisions will be made by September 21, 2014. Specific instructions will be sent to the authors of accepted manuscripts along with the acceptance notification.
The deadline for pre-registration is October 10, 2014. The pre-registration is $300 ($100 for students). An additional $100 will be charged for late registration. Registration includes a copy of conference proceedings, most meals during the conference, a reception, refreshments between sessions, and the award luncheon. In addition, some sightseeing tours and factory tours will be available for those who are inclined.
The tentative conference program will be uploaded on the website of AIBNE ( by September 30, 2014.


The Renaissance Providence Downtown Hotel will serve as the host hotel and conference venue.  Bryant University has arranged an exceptional hotel room rate of $129 plus tax per night.  Details regarding booking reservations will be provided to successful contributors along with their acceptance letters.

The Renaissance Providence is housed within the original exterior design commissioned by the Freemasons during the 1920s.  Due to the Great Depression, construction of the Temple was never completed.

Providence, RI is an exuberant destination city with a national reputation for excellence in satisfying every artistic, culinary and historic palette.

	Providence voted #1 among America’s Most Exciting Mid-Sized Cities

	Providence voted Travel + Leisure’s Top Food City 2012

More information about the conference can be obtained from the Program Co-Chairs Professors Crystal Jiang ([log in to unmask]) and Andres Ramirez ([log in to unmask]).

Crystal Jiang Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Management
Bryant University
1150 Douglas Pike, Smithfield RI 02917
Ph: 401-232-6941 Fax: 401-232-6068
Email: [log in to unmask]