

Hi, <br/><br/>I have one bike is pretty new, if you like you can consider it.<br/><br/>The bike was bought from last September, but I <br/>used very seldom, since I owned my car shortly. It is still 85% new with <br/>excellent conditions. The locker is also bought from Walmart with link <br/>( <br/>). The bag was specially shipped from the Netherlands. It&amp;#146;s very endurable, <br/>waterproof, you can buy biweek-food store with this bag (as we always do <br/>this way in the Netherlands). You can find all the pictures here <br/><br/>274525265154673?authkey=CL__-rji5MbFGw. If you buy, I would also give you a rain coat as gift, it's also shipped from Netherlands. <br/><br/>If you interest, please text reply this email or text 517 802 7158. The price I would ask for $90.
在 2014-07-29 08:51:32,"Zeyou Chen" <[log in to unmask]> 写道: