Dear all


You are most welcome to submit manuscripts for the Management International Review Focussed Issue:




edited by Prof L. Jeremy Clegg and Dr Hinrich Voss, University of Leeds



This focused issue addresses the theoretical and empirical challenges to understanding inward direct investment from China in the context of Europe as host. Its premise is that the standard theoretical model of FDI and the multinational enterprise, built originally to handle advanced economy investors, may be but an inadequate guide when the investing firm is from an emerging economy – by definition less technologically and commercially advanced; the nature of investment motives and processes, may differ, as may the benefits (and potential costs) to the host. China is the prime example, and therefore the choice of third country for the focussed issue.

Particularly after the Financial and Economic Crisis the EU wishes to promote inward FDI, with China leading the emerging economies as the fastest growing source of internationally investable funds. And public discourse over the local effects of attracting foreign investors has not been without controversy – never more so than when acquisitions of native EU firms are involved. Following the Treaty of Lisbon in 2009, the EU is empowered to negotiate and establish external investment policy with third countries. It is timely to investigate the theoretical and empirical lens through which we should view the actual, and potential, contribution of Chinese investment, and to evaluate the evidence to date.


Contributions are sought within the following topic areas:

• Theoretical innovation to address deficiencies in received theory;

• The intra-EU impact of Chinese investments, on local and on other foreign firms;

• The liability of foreignness and any relative disadvantages in internal operations – such as managerial capabilities – or access to proprietary technologies, experienced by Chinese firms in the EU;

• The types of Chinese subsidiaries established in the EU member states, and the effects on value-added trade and innovation along the international value chain;

• The role of institutions, and of the institutional change inherent in the accession process of new member states, in influencing Chinese FDI;

• Post-acquisition performance of Chinese firms and local impacts;

• Policy and public perceptions and reactions to Chinese investments;


We welcome submissions related to the theme of the focused issue, in addition to the above topics.


Submission information

• All papers will be subject to double-blind peer review

• Authors should follow MIR guidelines

• Contributions should be submitted in the English language in a Microsoft Word compatible format

• Questions can be addressed to either of the co-editors: Jeremy Clegg ([log in to unmask]) and Hinrich Voss ([log in to unmask])

Submission deadline: 31 January 2015




Kind regards,



Dr Hinrich Voss

Lecturer in International Business

Deputy Director BSc IB programmes

Executive Director Business Confucius Institute at the University of Leeds (BCIUL)


Centre for International Business (CIBUL)

Leeds University Business School

Maurice Keyworth Building

University of Leeds

Leeds LS2 9JT

United Kingdom


T: +44-(0)1133432633

F: +44-(0)1133436848

M (China): +86-13522039534

E: [log in to unmask]


Centre for International Business


Business Confucius Institute




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