






We’re pleased to announce the latest JIBS Impact Factor from Thomson Reuters’ Journal Citation Reports®, which includes an increase in both number and ranking:


2013 Impact Factor: 3.594

6/110 - Business

12/172 - Management


2013 5-year Impact Factor: 5.534

7/110 - Business

12/172 - Management


JIBS remains the top-ranked journal in International Business.






JIBS SPECIAL ISSUE: Advancing Interdisciplinary Research in International Business: Integrative Knowledge and Transformative Theories


Guest Editors: Joseph LC Cheng, Julian Birkinshaw, Donald R Lessard and David C Thomas


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The primary objective of this special issue is to showcase high-quality interdisciplinary research in the international business (IB) field, with a view to inspire and educate others on how such research should be conducted.  Five articles are presented, each with its own distinctive interdisciplinary contribution to expanding our knowledge about an important IB phenomenon.


In editing the special issue, the editors developed a new understanding of the opportunities and challenges in conducting interdisciplinary research.  These insights are discussed in the special issue’s editorial essay. The editors advise that interdisciplinarity is not an end in itself, but rather an approach to research that is appropriate for tackling certain types of research problems, typically those spanning multiple levels of analysis, or those that are seeking to get to grips with poorly or partially understood phenomena. But when conducted appropriately and with skill, it is an approach to research that can generate great insights and be highly influential.


The full special issue contents can be viewed here:


We are pleased to highlight the following Editors’ selection from this issue:


* Institutions sans frontières: International agreements and foreign investment

   By Srividya Jandhyala and Robert J Weiner


This article is available free-to-read for a limited time. We hope you will also share with colleagues who may be interested!



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