

Start: 08/11/2014 6:00 AM 
End:  08/11/2014 8:00 PM
Next Update: 08/11/2014 5:00 PM 
Service: Cable TV 
Type: Scheduled Maintenance 
Title: Cable Outage for upgrade 
Status:  Open
Comments: On 8/11/2014 MSU Telecom Systems will be upgrading the
service on the campus CATV system that services the East Lansing
campus, including all apartments, residence halls and academic
buildings.  During this maintenance window users should not expect any
cable television service to be working.

MSU is adding approximately 100 television channels and updating most
existing channels to be in HD.  This change will require ALL CATV
users to rescan their televisions or set-top boxes after this
maintenance.  Most channels numbers are changing, so users with DVRs
or VCRs may need to update their programming.  Users under a direct
Comcast contract may need to review their contract to make sure they
are getting the programming they want.  

For questions about this maintenance please contact MSU Telecom
Systems at 3-5515 or email [log in to unmask]  The cable television
website at will be updated with more
information and the new channel lineup as it becomes available.
