Dear all,

We are inviting submissions from geoscience/science educational researchers to the Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of America (GSA), hosted in Vancouver, Canada (October 19-22, 2014).

The session of interest is titled: “Global Geoscience Education Research: Fostering Collaboration across Geographic and Cultural Borders” (T58.).

We welcome contributions from all geoscience educators that encourage global collaboration by highlighting individual research groups and specialties and/or research questions specific to cultures and nations. A full session description is provided below:

Post-secondary geoscience education research and initiatives have become global phenomena. On the occasion of this internationally-hosted annual GSA Meeting, we welcome the research community to a discussion of the global state of geoscience education research.

Pockets of researchers work together to improve the teaching of geosciences and understand how geoscientists think and behave. Like other science education disciplines, geoscience education research is made up of interdisciplinary researchers from the natural sciences, psychology and education spheres. We publish in a myriad of journals and attend a variety of conferences, encompassing disciplines and regions that are sometimes far removed from one another. This session will be designed to encourage presenter and attendee discussions, collaborations and proposed solutions in an effort to unite a globally-relevant, but disjointed research community. We aim here to bring together researchers from many cultures and nations.

This session invites abstracts which touch on the following topics to share with the greater community: 1. Showcasing geoscience education research groups and their research initiatives in order to encourage awareness and exposure of cutting-edge research; and 2. Culture-/nation- specific research questions and/or practical solutions to challenges that researchers and educators face.


The abstract submission deadline is Tuesday, July 29th, 2014. Full details can be found on the GSA 2014 Annual Meeting abstract website:

We look forward to an interesting session full of discussion and the sharing of ideas and practices from around the globe.

Jacqueline Dohaney and Alison Jolley

Geoscience Education Research Group
University of Canterbury
Christchurch, New Zealand