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11-13 February 2015

Melbourne, Australia


***   Please note that the ANZIBA conference is being run two months earlier in 2015   ***


The Melbourne Business School (MBS), the Department of Management and Marketing at the University of Melbourne, and the School of Management and Marketing at Deakin University are pleased to invite IB scholars worldwide to present their research at the Annual Conference of the Australia and New Zealand International Business Academy (ANZIBA).

The conference features a one-day Doctoral Colloquium on Wednesday, 11 February, hosted at Deakin University (Burwood Campus).  This is followed the same evening by a welcoming reception for all conference attendees, and then two days of concurrent presentation sessions on the 12-13 February, hosted at the Melbourne Business School.

ANZIBA welcomes:

Competitive Papers:  for work at an advanced stage of development, between 5000 - 7000 words in length, including references, figures and tables.

Workshop Papers:       for work-in-progress, these are shorter conference papers not more than 5000 words long, including, references, figures and tables.

Panel Proposals:          Suitable for themed panel-lead discussions held during the concurrent sessions at the conference. Proposed panel themes should be accommodated by the track topics listed below.

Research summaries: From doctoral students for participation in the Doctoral Colloquium

Reviewer registration:     If you wish to serve as a reviewer, please contact Douglas Dow – [log in to unmask].

All submissions will be subject to a double-blind review process.  Please refer to the ANZIBA website – – for submission process details.

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Tracks and track chairs:


1.             International Human Resource Management and Global Mobility

Professor Denice Welch, University of Melbourne

Dr Sachiko Yamao, University of Melbourne

2.             MNEs & their Subsidiaries

Dr Ricardo Flores, University of New South Wales

3.             International Entrepreneurship

Associate Professor Susan Freeman, University of Adelaide

Professor Sylvie Chetty, University of Otago

4.             Networks, Alliances & Inter-firm Relations

Dr Alex Eapen, Australian National University

5.             International Marketing and Internationalization

Professor Lawrence Welch, University of Melbourne

6.             Teaching IB

Professor Peter Liesch, University of Queensland

Dr Tom Osegowitsch, University of Melbourne

7.             International Economics, Finance & Accounting

Dr Hussain Rammal, University of South Australia

8.             Global Strategy & Logistics

Associate Professor Vikas Kumar, University of Sydney

9.             Culture, Language & IB

Dr Andre Pekerti, University of Queensland

Dr Paul Brewer, University of Queensland

10.         Emerging Markets:  Institutions, Organizations and Markets

Dr Banjo Roxas, Deakin University


Style Guide:

Competitive Papers and Workshop Papers

Double-spaced, referenced and formatted in conformity with Journal of International Business Studies manuscript submission guidelines.

All paper submissions must include a title page stating:

§  The track for submission (number and title)

§  Competitive or Workshop Paper

§  Title of the Paper

§  Name of author, institutional affiliation and email address.


The second page of the submission should include the title and an abstract not exceeding 200 words, followed by the body of the paper.



Panel Proposals

Panel proposals must be submitted by the panel chair and include:

§  A title page that includes the names and contact information for all participants and identifies their roles.

§  An abstract, not to exceed 150-200 words, that summarizes the panel.

§  An Overview Statement of the theme of the panel.

§  A 1--3 page description of the session format (e.g., paper presentations, roundtable, professional development workshop), with paper synopses where appropriate.

§  Emails or signed letters from each participant, indicating s/he will participate if the panel is accepted.

§  Panel proposals should be no more than 3,000 words inclusive of all materials.

§  Each proposal must state, on its front page at the top right, the requested Track (number and title) and Panel Session Format.

§  Submissions must be on written with double-spaced text and a font size of 11 points or larger. Please follow the JIBS Style Guide.


Key Dates:

Submissions Open:   24 July 2014

Submissions Close:   18 September 2014

Acceptance Notification:   20 November 2014

Doctoral Student Colloquium Submissions Close:  18 September 2014

Early bird registration deadline:  1 January 2015


Local Organising Committee:

The University of Melbourne and MBS:

Associate Professor Douglas Dow   (Conference Chair)

Professor Jane Lu

Professor Denice Welch

Professor Lawrence Welch

Professor Dean Xu

Senior Lecturer Andre Samaratino

Senior Lecturer Helen Hu

Lecturer Majid Abdi

Lecturer Tine Koehler

Lecturer Tom Osegowitsch

Lecturer Sachiko Yamao


Deakin University

Professor Doren Chadee   (Chair of Doctoral Colloquium)

Senior Lecturer Banjo Roxas

Lecturer Alfred Presbitero

Lecturer Achinto Roy


Hosted and Sponsored by:


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