

Dear colleagues, could you please post the following call for papers?


Submission deadline: October 31, 2014

Guest Editors:
Gabriel Vouga Chueke, Observatório de Multinacionais Brasileiras
Marcos Amatucci, PMDGI/ESPM

Felipe Mendes Borini e Ilan Avrichir, PMDGI/ESPM

"The hundreds of hours you might spend conducting a study ultimately contribute just one piece to a much larger puzzle. The value of your study will be determined as much by how it fits with previous work and what questions it leaves for future research as from its own findings" (Cooper, 1998).

In the last decades we have observed the proliferation of studies which seek to systematise or to quantify the findings which were discovered in different domains of academic knowledge. Such phenomenon can be justified by the increase in scientific production. Only in Brazil, in the last 15 years, the number of PhDs has risen from 13,219 to 55,047.

One of the ways to systematise the literature by means of the quantitative approach is the bibliometric or scientometric studies, which seek to survey indicators of scientific production in order to answer questions, such as the impact factor of periodicals, most quoted authors in a thematic domain and to map the academic collaborative networks. In foreign countries, bibliometric studies also serve as a criterion of the acknowledgment of researchers, of research centres, thus contributing to the construction of fame and to the access to financial resources.

Another used method is meta-analysis. It collaborates with the efforts to integrate the findings of different studies originating from a field of knowledge, to compare the results which are obtained in contexts of different researches, to observe a variety of methods which are used in a field, to identify different contributions in a determined domain of knowledge.

Both techniques are based on the premise that scientific knowledge is cumulative and cooperative. It is constructed on the basis of the results of researches, which indicate gaps that will be investigated in the future. In this way we believe that studies of field revision can contribute to the increase of the relevance and rigour of our studies. Besides this, they serve as a basis for compared studies, which are more and more required in a world which is considered global.

Aiming to collaborate with investigative efforts in the field of international business the Revista de Negócios Internacionais - Journal of International Business of ESPM - invites university members who are affiliated to different domains of knowledge to submit their production in the domain of bibliometric studies and meta-analysis.

ESPM - Superior School of Marketing and Advertising is an Arts, Business and Communication Institution founded in 1954 is present in undergraduate, executive, MsC and PhD education and researd.

Suggestion of domains of interest:

·         Institutions, Governance, and CSR

·         International Marketing Management and Supply Chain

·         IB Theory, FDI, and Entry Mode

·         Global Strategy, Alliances, and Competitiveness

·         MNC Management and Organization

·         Innovation and Knowledge Management

·         Doing Business in Emerging Economies

·         Developing Country Multinational Companies

·         Cross-cultural Management and International HRM

·         International Economics, Finance and Accounting

·         SMEs, Entrepreneurship, and Born Global

·         Economic Geography and Global Value Chains

·         Special Track: Teaching International Business

·         Special Track: International Business Research Methods

About Internext

Internext is classified by CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Staff  as Qualis B2, in the domains of Administration, Accounting Sciences and Tourism. It is indexed on bases such as: SEER - Sistema Eletrônico de Editoração de Revistas Electronic System of Journal Editing; Latindex - Sistema regional de informaciónen línea para revistas científicas de América Latina; Sumarios.Org - Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras; Livre - Portal para periódicos de livre acesso na internet; EBSCO - Publishing-learningprovidesofresearchdatabases; DOAJ - Directory of open Access Journals; Portal Periódicos Capes; Diadorim; DRJI - Directory of Research Journals Indexing; GALE - Cengage Learning.

Instructions for submission

The deadline for the submission of articles for this edition is October 31st 2014.
The submission of articles must be done on the site of the Journal, respecting the editorial and formatting norms.  The submission process is available on the link:
At the moment of the submission you are required to emphasise in "message to the editor" that the article is destined to "Call for Papers on Bibliometric Studies".
Publication foreseen for no. 1 or no. 2 of the year 2015.
For more information about submission write to the e-mail: [log in to unmask]<mailto:[log in to unmask]>


Cooper, H. (1998). Synthesizing research: A guide for literature reviews (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Cooper, H., Hedges, L. B. & Valentine, J. C. (Eds.). (1994). Handbook of research synthesis AND Meta-Analysis.New York: Russell Sage Foundation.

Glass, G. V. Primary, Secondary, and Meta-Analysis of Research (1976). Educational Research, American Educational Research Association<>.

Glanzel, W. BIBLIOMETRICS AS A RESEARCH FIELD: A course on theory and application of bibliometric indicators (2003).  Course Handouts. Acesso em: 18/03/2014

Kear, R. & Colbert-Lewis, D. (2011). Citation searching and bibliometric measures. College & Research Libraries. Acesso em: 26/04/2014.

Ludenberg, J.(2006). Bibliometrics as a research assessment tool - impact beyond the impact factor. Karolinska Institutet

Okubo, Y. (1997), "Bibliometric Indicators and Analysis of Research Systems: Methods and Examples", OECD Science, Technology and Industry Working Papers, 1997/01, OECD Publishing.Systems Acesso em: 18/03/2014

Thomson Reuters (2008). Whitepaper Using Bibliometrics: A guide to evaluating research performance with citation data. Acesso em: 18/03/2014

Author Guidelines


Marcos Amatucci
Dean of Research
R. Álvaro Alvim, 123
Vila Mariana
São Paulo, SP   04018 010   BRAZIL

Prof. Dr. Marcos Amatucci
Pró-Reitor de Pesquisa e Pós-Graduação
Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies
[log in to unmask]
+55 (11) 5085-4584

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