You are invited to submit a paper to the 2014 Annual AIB Southeast Conference October 23-25th in sunny Miami!


As you are readying your paper submissions for the June 15th Deadline for submission to the AIBSE Conference  I want to bring to your attention that  a special issue titled “Sustainability, Institutions, and Internationalization in Emerging Markets: Role of Sustainable Innovation for Sustainable World Development” of  The International Journal of Emerging Markets (IJoEM )  will feature the best papers from the AIB SE conference.   Attached is a full description and call for the issue.





All the best,




Susan Forquer Gupta, Ph.D.


MBA Director


Associate Professor of Marketing and International Business


Leon Hess Business School

Monmouth University

West Long Branch, NJ 07764

Phone: (732) 571-3639

Email: [log in to unmask]




UNDP Reprepresentative for the Institute for Global Understanding


updated Monmouth logo





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